dark red

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" Something bad is about to happen to me. I don't know it, but I feel it coming. "

All of them sat dotted around one carriage. The son worked on bandaging up his bullet wound, Ladybug and Athene both stood at the drinks cart, getting bottles of water, Lemon and Tangerine sat with each other, and the father was on his own, looking out of the window.

"Fellas, we need to come up with a plan." Ladybug said, him speaking sent rage through Tangerine.

"You tried to kill me, you fucking cunt!" He stood up, quickly walking over to Ladybug to shove him. Before Ladybug could fight back, Athene stepped between the two, holding Tangerine back by putting a hand on his chest.

"He fucking shot me." The son said through gritted teeth, pointing at Lemon.

"Yeah, and I'll shoot you in the fucking throat next time." Lemon pointed at him as he got up, "And your fucking partner Keira Knightley." He shouted.

"Hey, hey, fellas!" Ladybug threw rolls of toilet paper at both of the men's heads, "When we are so quick to anger, we are slow to understand." He recited a line his therapist told him, Tangerine shaking his head, still fuming at Ladybug.

"I'm fast to kick you arse, though, I swear to God." Tangerine argued back, going back to punch him, but Athene grabbed ahold of him by the arm he was holding in a fist, ready to punch her partner.

"You fucking piece of shit, I should've put a bullet through your fucking arse!" Lemon joined the argument, pointing his finger at Ladybug.

"When you point a finger at someone in blame, there are four fingers pointing back at you." Ladybug said to Lemon, all of them looking at him confused, "Or three. That's weird."

"Fuck it! That's it! You know what I could do!" Tangerine erupted, managing to get past Athene who was now holding him back from behind, her arms wrapped around his torso as he tried to get closer to Ladybug.

"We before me!" Ladybug shouted back, trying to fix the situation, but actually making it worse.

Though, the fighting didn't last long since The Father banged his walking stick on the floor, standing up, "Gentleman!" Everyone stopped to watch him, Athene letting go of Tangerine and Lemon shoving The Son off of him, "A plum does not resent the hungry man, but the farmer who planted the tree."

"So, he resents the farmer?" Athene asked, confused as to what he was getting at.

"So how do plums have fucking resentments? How can it resent?" Lemon asked.

"Listen. The White Death is the farmer," The Father spoke over him, annoyed.

"So... we're the plums." Ladybug said, trying to understand.

"We're the plums?" Athene asked, still confused.

"It don't make sense. Why are you motherfuckers using metaphors?!" Tangerine said.

"Look, he tried to kill my fucking brother-" Lemon started, pointing at Ladybug.

"You shot my son!" The Father shouted back making Lemon go quiet, "We prepare together or we die alone."

"That's all I was trying to say." Ladybug said to Lemon and Tangerine.

After that, they all silently decided a small truce, purely so that they all survive and aren't killed by The White Death.

"I'll go to the back and stop as many as I can." The Father said.

"We'll go to the drivers car and get us the fuck out of here." Tangerine said to Lemon and Athene, knowing they'd need each other's backup there eventually.

"What are you gonna do, JoBerg?" Lemon asked.

"I'm gonna buy us some time." Ladybug said, holding the briefcase.

Soon, they arrived at Kyoto and the twins and Athene started making their way to the drivers car.

"So are we fucking triplets or something now?" Lemon asked as they walked quickly.

"Athene's with us, Lemon, trust." Tangerine said.

"Alright then." Lemon shrugged, trusting his brother's judgement.

"Alright Thomas. Time for you to start up," Lemon grinned as he walked over to the control panel, but his face quickly dropped, "Oh, shit. Everything's in Japanese. There's no episode in Japanese, what the fuck."

"Let me have a look." Athene joined Lemon at the front, she searched for any clues that could point towards what the accelerator is, but, nothing was in English, "Umm, what about this," She pushed a lever forwards, making the train lurch forwards before going down the tracks.

"Ooh!" Lemon laughed as the train kept speeding up.

"Wait, fucking slow down, mate." Tangerine joined the three at the front.

"Hey, so far so good. You can stop the train." Ladybug came in the cart.

"Yeah, um- about that. It won't really slow down." Athene said, pushing a bunch of buttons, trying to see if anything would slow it down.

"Yeah, because I took the velocity of the train and divided it by the mass, and I realised that I don't know how to fucking drive a bullet train." Lemon explained to Ladybug sarcastically.

"Dude, all you do it talk about trains!" Ladybug replied, frustrated and panicked.

"Thomas is a metaphor for life, not how to actually drive a- get down!" Lemon cut himself off, noticing men entering the car, instantly firing their guns.

Athene threw herself on the ground, behind one of the glass walls.

"Lemon, you work on trying to slow the train, we'll deal with this shit!" Athene shouted as she got up, quickly going to three White Death Assassins. She punched the middle one in the face, letting her grab ahold of his gun where she shot the other two. Tangerine and Ladybug joined, finishing off the two shot assassins as Athene fought the first one. He threw a punch to her face, making her lip bleed before she sent a knee to his stomach. However, she couldn't do much afterwards as Tangerine had gotten ahold of the man's hair from behind and thrown him on the ground, punching him repeatedly.

"Fucking bastard!" He shouted at the assassins before he held him up through the open sunroof, letting the assassin get yanked away by the metal wires the train passed underneath, "You okay?" Tangerine asked, but before Athene replied, she grabbed him and pulled him towards the corner of the room.

"We're on the wrong tracks!" Lemon said as they all hung onto something, bracing for impact.

Athene watched the roof get torn apart as the train went under another train, "Holy shit." She muttered as Tangerine's arm around her tightened.

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