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 June whirls on me when I take careful steps behind her. "What happened to waiting in the car?" Her voice is low but she doesn't look at me when she speaks. She's too busy scanning the room for possible intruders.

"I don't take orders well."

She keeps walking past the floral print bed and the cheap desk but the room grows darker as the door falls shut and I find myself grabbing her arm to give myself a sense of direction. I don't know how she can see anything without the glow of the headlights illuminating the room but I don't say anything. I'm too focused on the smell lingering around us. Familiar but different at the same time. Some kind of strong chemical. My mind jumps to the worst case scenario immediately.

Bile rises in my throat at the thought of my best friend's body in the tub, floating in acid. No. That kind of thing only happens in horror movies. Angela's disappearance isn't personal. Her abductor isn't trying to scare me away. This is just Glassboro.

I hold my breath as June pushes the bathroom door open and flips the light on. June's muscles relax first, but it takes me a second to realize the room is empty.

"All clear," she says.

"But what's that—" My question cuts off because as I turn to face the rest of the room, I see it. Spray painted across the wall is the word Slut. Black paint drips down the wall and onto the floral print comforter.

Tears sting at my eyes. I cross my arms over my chest, hoping I don't look as emotional as I feel.

June rests her hand on my back. "Hey." Her voice is soothing.

"I hate this fucking town, June." I bite the inside of my cheek until I taste blood and the tears flee.

She sighs. "I know." With that, she walks out of the hotel room.

I don't move while she's gone. I just stare at the paint, my hands shaking with rage, my brain not functioning.

June's voice booms loud from the parking lot. "Where were you, William? Jerking off in the back?" She must be talking to the kid who works the front desk. His response is inaudible. "I don't care. Do your goddamn job next time. I shouldn't have to step in every time—"

I step onto the welcome mat in front of my door.

June goes silent when she sees me, like she'd forgotten I was here and is just now remembering I can hear her.

Billy frowns. "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, ma'am. I already pushed a room upgrade through. We're going to move you to room one. Right next to the office so I can keep a better eye out for these kinds of things." His voice shakes while he talks.

I give him a warm smile. "Don't worry about it."

"I already called the sheriff," June tells me. "We're going to figure out who did this. They're not going to get away with calling you names and chasing you out of town. Not if I have anything to say about it."

"It was Ricky," I say. "My dad's best friend. I got into a fight with him at the bar tonight. He must have come over here while I was helping you in the parking lot."

Billy looks at June curiously. "Helping you with what?"

"Nothing, William."

Billy turns so that he's speaking only to her. "Seriously, June. What's going on? You're covered in blood. You needed help with something. What is it?"

June flashes him a look. "We'll talk about it later."

Billy doesn't respond, only nods his head once, then faces me again. "Here's your new room key. Don't hesitate to call the front desk if you need anything."

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