Silver Bullets

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We drop Billy off at town hall where his car is parked before June drives us to the sheriff's office. The whole way there, Billy and June talk about how they can't believe they missed the signs of the sheriff's thirst for power. How he's never been quite right about losing his place on the throne.

I can't help but think about how my dad has been with a lunatic for hours. Wondering what horrors the sheriff might have unleashed on him since he took him in sends a chill down my spine.

June calls out a couple names as we walk into the sheriff's office. When no one responds, she says, "perfect. Let's get to it."

I go to the small cell in the corner. My dad's already toward the front of the boxed off room, his fingers wrapped around the bars. "Sawyer." The word is equally anxious and relieved. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We think the sheriff is responsible for all the missing people."

His eyebrows pull together. "Sheriff Gray?"

I nod and return to the sheriff's desk to rummage through the drawers.

"Now why would he do something like that?" my dad shouts to us.

I return to the cell with a ring of keys. "All of the missing people are connected. They were all in the running to be the next pack leader of Glassboro." I try one of the keys, but it doesn't turn. "If all of them are dead, the position goes back to Gray." I continue trying keys while I explain the situation to my dad. "June's the only one left now."

One of the keys finally crunches into the lock and turns. The click of the door opening sends a wave of relief through my body. But when I slide the door open, my dad doesn't come out.

"Sawyer." He shakes his head. "What's the plan? None of this changes why I'm in here." He motions to the cell.

"We'll figure something out," I tell him but the sentence doesn't come out as confident as I'd like. Despite solving one issue, I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do about Ricky. After seeing how Amelia and the other elders treated Billy, I can't let them figure out June had anything to do with it. But I can't let my dad take the fall for another crime he didn't commit.

He looks like he's about to protest when June calls out to me.

"I think I've got it," she says.

A revolver is lying in her palm when I join her in the main office.

"It's just a gun," I say, waiting for an explanation.

June flips the cylinder open to show me the bullets but I'm still not sure what I'm looking at.

"They're silver bullets," she explains. "I can feel the heat through the damn handle." She flips the cylinder closed again and places the gun on his desk, shaking her hand like she's trying to shake the feeling off. "We're not allowed to own these. And the only reason he'd have it is to kill shifters."

My dad joins us in the office, looking over my shoulder at the revolver. "I'll be damned," he says more to himself than us.

A memory replays in my head. "June... Is this the gun he was pointing at you in the parking lot?"

She stares at the weapon for a long time. "I'm not sure. That doesn't matter right now." June motions to the gun. "This is all the evidence we need. I need to get this to Amelia."

June's reaching for the gun when the front door flings open, stopping her in her tracks.

"Hands up, Walker!" The sheriff's pointing a handgun our direction. He swings it at me and my dad. "You too!"

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