You Saw Wrong

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 "Sawyer, wait up!" June is jogging after me as I blaze down hallways and out the glass door to the parking lot. She grabs my wrist and pulls me to face her. "Let's talk this through."

"This is bullshit, June," I say through my teeth. My entire body is shivering, but whether it's from the cold or my newfound knowledge, I'm not sure. "I knew I had a weird feeling about Sheriff Gray. I knew something was going on here." I pull my wrist out of June's grip and start toward her truck again but she steps in front of me.

"Hold on, Sawyer."

I want to push past her but she's wearing that pleading look I can't say no to.

"We need to think of a plan," she continues when she's sure I'm not going to run off.

"I have a plan," I tell her. "I'm going to Sheriff Gray's office to demand answers."

June's lips press together tight. She sighs. "I don't think that's a good idea, Sawyer."

I roll my eyes. "For Christ's sake, June. I thought you were different. Please, don't tell me you're one of them."

"Just hear me out," she argues. When I don't respond, she continues. "What good is it gonna do if you go down to the station and raise hell?" She waits a moment for me to answer but I don't. "The sheriff will have you thrown out and then what? Then we've lost our connection to the inside." She bends a little to look me in the eyes. "You're smarter than this, Sawyer. Let's think this through before we go breaking doors down."

My arms are still crossed over my chest but I can feel my defenses melting away. "I'm not very good at that," I say.

June's lips pull into that crooked grin I've grown so fond of the last few days. "That's why I'm here." She taps her knuckles against my shoulder playfully. "We're a team, remember?"

I can't help but smile. At least now I know June isn't hung up on last night. I was worried our awkward encounter would permanently alter our friendship but everything snapped back to normal... Right after I pepper sprayed her.

"I need to find out who else went missing this year," I explain.

June pulls a tiny notebook out of her back pocket. "Way ahead of you." She flips the notebook toward me, displaying a list of names. Some of them are familiar, some aren't.

"These are the missing people?" I ask, clicking the camera icon on my phone. "Why do you have this?" I hold the phone up to take a photo of the list.

June shrugged. "Remember the first day I talked to you? I told you something weird is going on in Glassboro."

"But why didn't you tell me?" My tone lies somewhere between hurt and suspicious. I do remember the first day I drove into town. I also remember seeing June with Sheriff Gray and thinking about how she'd always been a goody two shoes when I knew her.

She shrugs. "The investigation unit at the station doesn't think the cases are connected."

"I think they're wrong."

June shrugs. "I think Cape May has something to do with it."

This takes me by surprise. "Cape May?" I don't try to hide the skepticism in my voice. "I think you're letting the town rivalry get to your head."

June's expression is grave as she shakes her head. "You don't understand how deep that town's hatred runs."

I scoff. "Rival colleges are supposed to steal the school mascot and spray paint the football field before big games." I pull my jacket tighter over my chest, suppressing a shiver. "Not kidnap town residents and murder people. That's a bit far, don't you think?"

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