Secret Of Survival

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gp: and so are story continues with ryoko waking up having no memory of the previous events but shes not alone as a muse is there to see here

The moment I opened my eyes, I found myself in a bright, white room.
It felt like I had reborn.
I, the new, reborn Ryoko Otonashi, woke up with a renewed sense of vigor as I stretched my body out,
getting out of bed.
Turning my gaze to the window, the sun's light filled the white room with its brilliant light from between the
curtains, signifying the morning's rays.
It appears that I fell asleep at some point. Being forgetful, I couldn't even remember the time I fell asleep-

ryoko: Ah!

she said as her face clashed with mine as my eyes were filled with child-like excitement gazing at her

siramay: AH! you're not dead that's great... kinda but nah nah I'm glad buddy I was worried considering what happened

At that moment, I felt light rush in from the back of my eyes. An image conceived itself within my head.
Underground facility.
Preparatory Department.
A sudden flashback. Definitely an unfamiliar experience.
Could this be, my memory?
I immediately ran through my itching conscious.
It felt like I could remember something but at the same time I couldn't remember it. It came off like a natural
sensation, yet at the same time I was embraced with bewilderment.

ryoko: What is this? What happened to me?

siramay: ah! a wonderful question my good buddy! you see you experienced a re-laps

ryoko: relapse?

siramay: I know! it was awful I felt so bad for you especially with how good you are and especially in a high stress place like that!
it's like I warned yah buddy! all the stress of this place is bad for your health!
thankfully I your great guardian angel/dragon was there, and I easily took care of you

ryoko: and by "take care of" you mean?

siramay: oh you know
the muse said as he raised his fist up and punched a hole clean though a vacant desk
one good swing and you sleep like the babies as I take you out of there

we flashback to siramay who is existing the cult place while carrying ryoko around his neck like hunted meat as he sings a song of splendor joined by his villain posse sings and marches along behind him

Don't you know you never split the party?
Clerics in the back keep those fighters hale and hearty
The wizard in the middle, where he can shed some light
And you never let that darn thief out of sight!


siramay: don't worry! my friends a surgeon I assure you we didn't damage your brain any more than it already was
by the way is that ahoge new? looks good on you

ryoko: ryoko only then took notice of the red strands of hair dangling at the front of her head in an odd fashion it bugged her a bit, so she pulled them off
only for more to pop out in their place
then she remembered Gabriel and his curse
and she finally believed in ghost
wait what else happened?

so I had to take care of the despair cult you know?
so I went back while the party was in full swing...

we flash back to said time when the despair cult was still enjoying the muses party

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