My Eyes

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gp: today was the day things where about to go wrong 4 to 5 years of buildup lead to this they would go wrong fast... or slow depending on your perception of time for me that day I'd say it was quite slow cause of my perception of the world it was gonna be the best day of my life... though considering most other times I say it be "the best day of my life" I really shouldn't of kept my hopes up... oh but I couldn't help myself I was a happy Chappy. and you know why? ask why soulbound ask ask ask!

soulbound: why?

gp: cause that day I was gonna make it official, I was gonna adopt Junko... I know she spent all that hard work changing her name but I'd be willing to give her to money if for just one day I could take pride in calling her patten OH I was filled with the joy all adoptive dads have and I was working hard on it to trying my best to despite her smartness make it a surprise, I may not be that kinda person myself but I know she likes surprises so if I could see that look on her face when I show her the papers that will make me feel accomplished so I did what I could to avoid her smarty mind powers


Gabriel: RJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!!!! covers eyes GOOD MORNING! uh er uh I GOTTA GO I'LL BE BACK LATER HAVE FUN THOUGH but uh... if we could meet outback later tonight that be nice
please ask me why I'm covering my eyes

Junko: ...
and the reason your eyes are covered?

Gabriel: YES
BECAUSE! I know your fancy mind tricks and if there's anything I know it's that the eyes are windows to the soul! so you should be less able to read my mind now that I can't see you


gp: Then I fell down the stairs a habit that was becoming more often

soulbound: did it have to do with the increasing fear and tension you had at home

gp: ...



I was filled with so much light in my heart as I left that I was completely blinded to the darkness that had built up and swallowed her for that day for it all reached a peak she was empty and tired of course tired is just a word I would use I know what shed describe it as, bored. she could end it all now but she couldn't afford to die anymore for it seem the life carried at darkness or despair as she put it and made it follow her like stink on a skunk she tried to push this despair on others but instead of feeling joy it made her despair more so she did the next best thing and convinced her mind to enjoy that despair like one to laugh of a bad joke and it worked in a sense as she conditioned herself smiling off the depravity in witch Gabe was too stupid to notice any issues but it was thanks to his ideology's and teachings that she had been given an idea an awfully beautiful idea, a horrifically amazing idea if despairs all shes ever gonna feel then she'll make the world feel it to it be consumed with so much despair till there was nothing left and it be beautiful besides if the world was good then she'd get stopped, but she knows that won't happen

Any dolt with half a brain
Can see that humankind has gone insane
To the point where I don't know
If I'd upset the status quo
If I throw poison in the water main

Listen close to everybody's heart
And hear that breaking sound
Hopes and dreams are shattering apart
And crashing to the ground

I cannot believe my eyes
How the world's filled with filth and lies
But it's plain to see
Evil inside of me is on the rise

meanwhile Gabriel was happier than he could ever be all he needed to do was...


gp: aw snap the adoption process is very hard I don't remember how I did it

soulbound: fantasize the moment


soulbound: ok be at least a little realistic when you fantasizes the moment

gp: after strenuous paperwork and checks despite my strenuous past I was able to be viable to adopt Junko I just needed her consent?

soulbound: thumbs up


so holding all the paperwork in my trusty trench coat I galivanted home I didn't even care what happened next it could be a cliché sitcom father daughter relationship as long as I could be there for my daughter



soulbound: did they all clap too?

gp: no most of them just stared at this American twink weirdo wondering why I was yelling, but I didn't care because I was gonna be a dad and I never felt better truly life was beautiful


Look around
We're living with the lost and found
Just when you feel you've almost drowned
You find yourself on solid ground
And you believe

There's good in everybody's heart
Keep it safe and sound
With hope, you can do your part
To turn a life around

I cannot believe my eyes
Is the world finally growing wise
Cause it seems to me
Some kind of harmony
Is on the rise

[JUNKO] (overlapping with Gabriel below)
Anyone with half a brain
Could spend their whole life howling in pain
Cause the dark is everywhere
And Gabriel doesn't seem to care
That soon the dark in me is all that will remain

Listen close to everybody's heart
And hear that breaking sound
Hopes and dreams are shattering apart
And crashing to the ground

I cannot believe my eyes
How the world's filled with filth and lies
But it's plain to see
Evil inside of me is on the rise

Take it slow
she looks at me and seems to know
The things that I'm afraid to show
And suddenly I feel this glow
And I believe

There's good in everybody's heart
Keep it safe and sound
With hope, you can do your part
To turn a life around

I cannot believe my eyes
How the world's finally growing wise
And it's plain to see
Rapture inside of me is on the rise

as the sun set and we walked to are usual meet up spot while we had different ideas both of us knew the same thing
our lives would be changed forever after this

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