You'll Be In My Heart

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As the final blow was struck the robot was annihilated in a blaze of glory which of course led to the monokuma kids wanting to claim Kotoko as they did masaru and jataro, but even though they were prepared to do that soulbound caught Kotoko and pulled her to safety

Soulbound: I threw you off a train so it's only fair

Kotoko: P-pervert! That was...way too close!

Gp: hey we saved yah! Now you can't say adults never did anything
now finally I can buy you some donuts!

Nagisa: What are you...doing to that kid? You may have many differences from average demons...but your behavior is exactly like theirs. Ganging up and being cruel to children is a demon's specialty.

Kotoko: Nagisa!

Gp: hey I wasn't doing that I was just gonna buy her donuts!
If you want, I can buy you donuts too!

Nagisa: All we a peaceful paradise where kids can live in safety.

Gp: hey buddy I wasn't hurting anyone! And couldn't you Andrew Jackson and trial of tears the adults instead you got the fire power for it

Nagisa: Sparing not an option. If we leave the demons alone, our kids' paradise will be crushed, and we would continue to suffer... We can't relax...until every apparition has been erased from this world. That's why...we have to kill them all! We have to protect our world!

Soulbound: now now be rational, in a few years all of you will reach puberty and kill yourselves best case scenario, right? But what will that lead to in the end? Nothing! Have you lost your empathy so much you didn't think about that?

Nagisa: Maybe we have...Maybe all of this is absurd. Masaru, Jataro, Kotoko and Monaca...We're all we'll all be destroyed, right? But that's the adults' fault! Adults are the ones who made us this way!

Kotoko: Nagisa...

Soulbound: you're not wrong about that and it's not your fault... but you've taken this too far

Nagisa: To be frank...we can't help but be afraid of adults. Just by hearing an adult's footsteps...Just by sensing an adult's presence... We can't help...but be so, so, so scared. As long as there are adults...we can never live in peace. what's been done to us.

Soulbound: I understand, and I am truly sorry for what has been done to all of you, but will doing all this give you what you truly want in the end? Because it just feels like you unintentionally or not made more people like you. But please I beg you turn back now while there is still something to turn back to, I can undo all of this and help you any way you would need but you just need to stop while you still have the chance to stop the cycle of abuse

Nagisa: So, are you saying we should endure it? That we have to have hope?

Gp: no! You should find other adults who do care

Soulbound: gp, no answer is easy there is no simple solution. I wouldn't even pretend for a moment there is, but even if there isn't an easy answer for what you should do there is one for what you shouldn't

Nagisa: No, that's enough... Let's end this... Will you leave the city?

Soulbound and Gp: huh!?

Nagisa: You want to run from us, right? You want to run from this city, right? If so, then I'll let you go... Will that be enough for you?

Kotoko: Nagisa, is that really, okay?

Nagisa: I'm deciding the leader.

Kotoko: But what about Monaca?

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