Facade Final

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Siramay: it is time...

Makoto: what?

Junko: what are you talking about?

Siramay: Hajime is about to have his hero realization, rise above everything and kick your but
in a, crude sense of the word

Junko: what! He can't do that! Not now I'm not done yet I won't let him!

siramay: I'm sorry there's no way around it

Junko: not if I can help it!

She then disappeared as if she could do anything about her own doom

Siramay: ... when she acts like that how can I not feel bad?

Makoto: what?

Siramay: I tried Makoto I really did! I hate her a lot that's a fact its very easy to do but I noticed heck anyone who looks at me should notice I do it less and I hate that! I've been trying really hard to harness my hate hold it condenses it and refine it enough hate to equal that of the entire world!

But here's the kicker

No matter how much you hater

No matter how much I hate her

No matter how much anyone in the world hates her!

No one will hate her...

More than she hates herself...

And that combined with everything I learned about her and this world
it hurts! It hurts too much! I feel bad I'm trying not to, but I can't help it

So, I just know this next parts gonna hurt a lot...

But don't worry Makoto it will all work out in the end so lets just grin and bear it ok?

Theres no way around it Afterall...


While all that Was happening, Hajime met with the ghost of Chiaki

to tell him its ok to be afraid its ok to feel sad but to rise above it and believe in himself to strive to be true to himself the best him he can be not to fear the past the past does not define him as long as he strives to better himself that's all that matters just to try his best and that will be enough and that she will always be there with him to support him in that choice even if just in his heart...

it may just be words, but they were all he needed...

if only she had that back then, maybe she would make the same choice Hajime does now...

with that he confronted his evil self Izuru
and he rose above it

and then he woke up


awe jeez it's that time again
he's gonna kick your but!

Of course, this story isn't about me so I could only watch this all unfold
Hajime fighting and wining
and Junko struggling, scraping, clawing like a cornered animal trying to survive

Junko: You despair because you yearn for hope!
You yearn for hope because you despair!
Let's finish this already!
There's no need for you to choose!
Close your eyes and cover your ears!
Just shut the hell up!
If you do that, this game is gonna continue forever!
If you don't want that, just turn off the game!
You don't have to look at the hopeless future...

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