He Saved Me Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Bobby's POV

The sound of the door slamming filled the foyer as I dropped my keys on a table and ran upstairs. I had spent the last three hours with Isobel at her house as she slept. Nightmares had her tossing and turning and she even screamed once, making my blood run cold. I had sat in her desk chair and watched helpless as she cried out in her sleep, unable to leave her until it was absolutely necessary. Her dad had just been unlocking the front door as I had slipped out the glass doors in the den downstairs.

"Robert? Honey is that you?" my mom called from the kitchen and I paused on the second floor landing.

"Mom, don't call me that!" Robert is my father's name. I used to be so proud to say that. When I was a kid, all I wanted was to be just like him. I was going to grow up and go to college, and one day be an important business man who wears a suit everyday; just like him. But he had ruined that. I shook the bitter memories from my head and walked down the hall. Just as my hand touched the door knob to my room, I heard my mother's voice again. It sounded closer this time and I guessed she was at the base of the steps.

"Bobby can you come down here please?"

I turned around and went to lean over the banister. "What?" I asked, trying to sound as impatient as possible.

"I said come down here!" she snapped, pointing at me from her position below. The look in her eyes made it seem like she was trying to be intimidating, and I knew then that Sharon Slade meant business today.

Oh no. What is it this time?

The last time my mom had cornered me right after school was a year ago when she had found my safe in my room. It wouldn't have been a problem had I not forgotten to close and lock it before school that morning. But I had, and she had found the near seventy-five thousand dollars in emergency cash that I had stashed inside along with some other things that she definitely didn't agree with her son being in possession of. She had demanded to know where I had gotten the money from and how long I had had it. I had refused to answer her then, just as I would keep quiet now. Whatever this was about...

I bounded down the stairs and stopped next to her. "Yea?" I asked, maintaining the irritated tone that usually made her back off.

"The school called....." she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me, showing me that she wasn't backing off this time.

"And....?" I leaned against the arm of a chair that decorated the foyer, pretending nonchalance. Oh shit! I thought to myself.

"And they said that you left school early today! Where were you Robert?" she demanded. Her voice was steadily rising, and I knew she was close to yelling at me.

"Mom, don't call me Robert!" I said quickly. "Anyway, I don't think it's the school's business where I go after I am no longer on the premises." I stood from the arm of the chair and walked back to the kitchen and looked in the cabinets until I found a bag of cheese puffs. Opening the bag, I pulled myself onto the counter top and began to devour the bag quickly. I had skipped lunch today.

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