He Saved Me Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Isobel's POV

My heart felt like it would burst through my chest if I didn't contain the excitement I felt at hearing Bobby's words. For a long time, I sat frozen, unable to move or speak. Unable to breath...

'He loves me."

My mind reeled at that information as I stared off into space and tried to catch my breath.

"Shit!" Bobby's voice snapped me back to reality and I looked up to see that he had stood and was about to leave, an angry expression plastered across his face.

"Wha-wait! Bobby, where are you going?"

I watched his anger turn to pain and back again, and I stood too, confused. "What's wrong? Why are you mad?"

"I shouldn't have said anything Isobel, I don't know what I was thinking! You've been through so much, and I understand if you don't love me back. I'm just happy to be with you. I shouldn't be trying to complicate shit further right now, so can we just pretend--"

I didn't hear anything else he said after that. He thought I didn't love him back. A dull pain began in my chest at that thought, and my next words spilled out of my mouth before I could over-think it. "I love you, too!"

"We can just--what?"

I dropped to my knees in front of him, still panting for breath. I couldn't believe that I had actually been able to say it back. I meant it and had been wanting to tell him for a long time now, but something had always stopped me before the words escaped my lips. But now I had said it. He knew. I felt my eyes burning as I looked up at him, the moon glowing against his profile, making it difficult to see his face. But I didn't need to see him. I knew his face. I knew every expression that had crossed it since that night in the alley. Anger, happiness, desire, delight, fear, love....

I don't know how I had never realized it before. Love had been etched across his face for weeks now, and I had denied knowing the truth to myself the whole time. Of course he loved me. This boy had carried me naked through the streets after saving me from a madman. This boy had refused to have sex with me, even though I had nearly begged him to do so, for fear of hurting me. This boy had changed his entire lifestyle for me. He had applied to college for me. He was willing to take care of me and my baby...

Tears ran down my face and tripped onto my t-shirt as I stared up at him, everything I was feeling bursting from my eyes. "I love you too, Bobby!" I repeated.

Bobby dropped to his knees in front of me, holding his breath as he grabbed my face and stared into my eyes as if trying to read confirmation in them. For a long time, he stared at me while I tried to tell him silently that it was true. I could tell the moment that I got the message across because he let out his breath on a long exhale and pulled my face to his with trembling hands.

He kissed my forehead, my cheeks, my nose, and my neck before finally settling on my lips and pulled me until he was lying on the blanket on his back, and I was sprawled on top of him. For the next hour, neither of us used words to express our love. We made love in such a way that neither of us could deny it...


Daniel's POV

My phone rang around 6:30 Sunday morning. Jerking awake, I banged my head on the top of my car and groaned. Drowsily, I retrieved my phone from it's cradle and accepted the call.

"Daniel Jones..."

"Jones, I got those tapes you requested."

I clapped loudly as I started my car. "Okay great. I'm on my way over." Without a second thought, I hung up the phone and pulled off. Last night had been a bust. I had gone to three bars in the 3rd street area, and none of the owners could remember a drunk patron leaving before 10pm on the night of Isobel's attack. A guy at Joe's Bar and Grill remembered only one patron leaving so early, but had dismissed him as a suspect immediately, saying "If that guy attacked a little girl, my middle name ain't Marcel!" After I had convinced him to divulge of the patron's name anyway, I had dismissed him as a suspect as well. I really wasn't a likely possibility. I had finally given up on my search just after 3am, and had been too tired to even consider driving home.

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