He Saved Me Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One

Angel's POV

Bobby pulled into my drive 15 minutes later than he had told me on the phone. I was just locking the front door, and I didn't waste any time as I jogged over to the passenger door and hopped in.

"So what's going on?" I asked casually as I pulled my 9 millimeter from it's holster and ejected the clip to check the rounds. After reassuring myself, I locked it back into place and slid it into its holster again.

He glanced at me and I could feel the anger radiating off of him in waves. "Isobel had a breakdown. She's in the hospital."

I could tell that he wasn't done speaking, but I could also see that it was difficult for him to say. I didn't say a word as he composed himself. What had happened with Isobel? Did Alice know what was going on?

He readjusted himself in his seat before speaking again. "She was--" His fingers flexed around the steering wheel. "She was raped last month, Angel. I found the bastard in the act, but he got away. All this time, I haven't had a clue who he was, and then when I took Isobel home today, the cops were there." He paused again as he stared at the road in front of him. "He was a fucking cop, man. A fucking cop raped her and--and got her pregnant. It was Chet fucking Peters, and he's on the run!"

My heart raced and my blood rose to a slow boil. What the hell? I didn't know Isobel very well, but what I had come to know of her over the weekend, I had grown attached to. She was Alice's best friend. She was my best friend's girl. That made her my family. I moved my hand back to my gun and the coolness of it settled some of the hot anxiousness inside of me. I didn't waste time asking stupid questions. I would find out the details later. I actually didn't even want all the details.

"So where are we going?" was all I asked.

"Here..." Bobby said shortly as he cut his engine in front of his old house. I looked at the brick building in confusion. I hadn't even realized that we had stopped. I looked over at Bobby again, and he answered my question before I even voiced it.

"His house." he said before jumping out.

I still didn't understand why we were here. If the guy was on the run, then we knew that he wouldn't be home. Aren't we just wasting time here?

Bobby and I were usually on the same wavelength when it came to situations like this, but right now Bobby wasn't himself. He was usually the cool and calm one who did what had to be done--what was necessary. His emotions never affected his actions...but right now, he was blinded by a rage that he had never shown before. I decided to let him be and just followed his lead.

We walked swiftly up the drive, and I waited calmly as Bobby knocked on the door a couple of times and rang the doorbell. Not even a full minute later, a middle aged woman opened the door and looked at us curiously.

"What?" she said shortly, standing with her hands supporting her lower back. I glanced down and noticed a bump the size of a beach ball protruding from her mid-section.

"Hey. I'm looking for your husband." Bobby told her, shifting from one foot to the other.

She shrugged carelessly and leaned against the door frame. "Well pick a number because so am I, and so are the cops, and so are a couple of other people. I don't know where he is." At that she backed up and began shutting the door in our faces.

Moving quickly, I leaped forward and placed my foot in the door jam so that she couldn't close us out. When she groaned and looked up at me, I flashed her my most charming smile and shrugged back at her. "Well we really need to find him. Would you mind answering a few questions so that maybe we can figure out where he may have gone?"

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