He Saved Me Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Well you guys called me cruel for leaving the last chap on such a cliffhanger, so I sat up a little longer than planned to give you a little more. This is short too, but if you pretend that it's a part of the last chapter, it's actually a little longer. Lol

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Isobel's POV

I couldn't breathe. I felt suffocated in the small living room as I looked around at all of the faces. I looked at my dad again and noticed tears glittering in his big brown eyes. This was bad. I hadn't seen my dad cry, ever.

"Dad?" I said in a choked whisper.

He opened is mouth to speak and choked on a sob as he stood shaking.

"Hi Ms. Davis. My name is Detective Rodriguez. I was assigned to investigate the hit and run of Sharon Slade--"

"Mom?" Bobby said from his position beside me. "If you're investigating my mom's case, why are you here at isobel's house?"

The detective sighed and glanced at Bobby. "You didn't let me finish..." He redirected his attention to me, but hesitated before speaking again. "Ms. Davis we now have very solid reason to believe that the Mrs. Slade's accident is directly related to--" he paused and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"What? Have you found out who hurt my mom?" Bobby asked impatiently, taking a step closer to the detective.

"Yes." he replied shortly. "Ma'am, we have reason to believe that the attack on Sharon Slade and your own attack are by the same person, and we need you to make a statement--"

The entire room went quiet after that. The detective hadn't stopped speaking. I could see his mouth moving, but I couldn't hear him. I looked at Bobby and his mouth was moving quickly in response to what Detective Rodriguez had said and I could tell that he was yelling, but I couldn't hear him either. My attack. How--how had he known about my attack? I looked up at my dad to see him staring at me, tears silently falling down his face, but he seemed to be frozen in place. He knew...

My eyes still circling the room, I looked at the two cops in uniform that had stood when I entered the room, but remained silent while everyone spoke, and they were looking at me with pity shining in their eyes. They knew too. How did they know? How--

I shook my head vehemently as I tried to make myself focus on what was going on. When I was finally able to hear, Rodriguez was speaking again. "--Daniel Jones." he finished his sentence.

I shook my head again. "Wait what? What's going on? How do you know that I was attacked? What--"

"Ma'am, after retrieving security footage from the cameras at the bank near where you were attacked, we discovered the identity of the man who attacked you that night. He is actually--"

"But HOW?!" I said loudly. "How did you know? How do you know? How did--"

He looked confused for a second and glanced at Bobby uneasily. Bobby slid his hands down my arms and pulled me closer to him. "Babe, he just told us. Daniel had them pull the security cameras from the bank and they watched the tape this morning."

The room started spinning as anger and fear swirled around inside of me. Sharon! She had told her boyfriend about what had happened. She--she had promised that--she wouldn't. I felt hot tears burning an itching path down my cheeks as I tried to escape my own mind. Daniel had told--everyone! I wanted to scream.

Next to me, Bobby was shaking with his own fury, and I could tell that he was trying really hard to hold it together for me. He squeezed my fingers tightly as he looked at Detective Rodriguez. "Who?" he said in a dangerously quiet voice.

Rodriguez continued to look at me uneasily as he spoke. "The security footage actually reveals that a cop on the force attacked your friend." He said to Bobby. "I don't know if you know an Officer Peters? Officer Chet Peters..."

After the name was spoken out loud, everything went silent again. So a cop had done this. All of the pain and confusion I had been feeling over the last weeks was because of someone who had sworn to protect and serve.

Bobby seemed to snap after that. He was yelling and screaming and throwing things as his rage took over, and I couldn't hear a thing. At some point, my dad came over to me and tried to hold me, but I didn't feel like it. This was his fault, and I screamed that out loud as I snatched away from him, tears still streaming down my face.

"Don't touch me!!!" I screamed at him, every inch of my body trembling uncontrollably. "No! NO, no no no! Don't touch me! If you--if you hadn't--this would have never happened if it hadn't been for you, and now everybody--everybody KNOWS!!!" I sobbed and fell down to the floor as cold chills racked my body. "Everybody knows..." I said again. I don't really know what happened after that. I just remember screaming until my voice wouldn't allow any sound to escape my lips anymore. And I remember Bobby finally calming down enough to kneel beside me on the floor and whisper that he loved me over and over.

After that, my world went black.


Johnathan's POV

My daughter's words were like a knife in my heart. They hurt so badly because they were so right. I remembered that night. I had been working double shifts all week and had fallen asleep on the couch after work. If only I had been there and been on time, this would have never happened to my baby.

I looked down at her as she lay curled into a ball on the floor, and Bobby knelt beside her, whispering comforting words of love to her. That was supposed to be me. I was supposed to be comforting my daughter, but she hated me now. This was my fault....

I tried to go over to her, but Bobby held out his arm hostilely. Stopping me in my tracks.

"I'm sorry Mr. Davis, but not right now. Just...give her some time. She needs time." After whispering those last words, he turned his attention back to Isobel.

Detective Rodriguez was muttering hurriedly into his phone. I only picked up on a few words, like "emergency", "break-down" and "psych consult".

This was turning out to be a very bad day.

-----------Next chapter will probably be all Johnathan.....


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