He Saved Me Chapter Forty-Five

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Okay so I decided to do one more chapter before the Epilogue. I hadn't planned on doing this scene, but I was practically begged for it, so here you go! :)

Chapter Forty-Five

3 Months Later (September)

Isobel's POV

I felt like I was going to throw up. Pulling a napkin from a dispenser on the table next to me, I dabbed sweat from my forehead and took a couple of deep breaths.

"Okay..." I breath in and out repeatedly, trying to calm my racing heartbeat. "You can do this. You can do this..." I chanted to myself as I studied my reflection in the mirror. My dress unattractively hugged my curves and fell in waves down to my feet. "Oh my God, I can't do this." Tears welled in my eyes as I tried to readjust my wedding dress to make it look sexier. It had been so much prettier 2 months ago when I had tried it on in the store, but 2 months ago, I wasn't six months pregnant, and the baby inside of me wasn't announcing it's existence so dramatically.

"It's tiiiime!!!" Alice sang excitedly as she danced into the room with my bouquet. Once she got a good look at my face, though, she froze and rushed to my side. "Isobel? Isobel, what's wrong?"

"I'm so ugly!!!" I sobbed. "I'm a big fat cow!" I cried as I slumped down in the chair next to me. "He's not going to want me anymore once he sees me in this thing! I look like Shamoo on my wedding day." Most of my words were slurred or mumbled, and I knew that anyone else but Alice would have been clueless as to what I had just said. But Alice was my best friend. She was like my sister, and she and I had had so many conversations just like this one, that I knew that she had heard every word I said loud and clear.

She scoffed as she crouched beside me. "Now Isobel, you're just being silly!" She began with a patient smile. "That boy loves you more than life, and I'm sure he would want you even if you looked like Miss Piggy! But that's not even a question, because you are beautiful! You're not even showing that much, you're just letting your nerves and hormones get to you!"

I sniffed a couple of times as I stared off into space. I didn't want to accept what she said, even though a part of me knew that she was right. This was just so far from the wedding day that I had always imagined for myself. In my dreams, I was beautiful and radiantly happy, and I was my normal size. I wasn't carrying a miniature basketball in front of me and trying to hide in the folds of a big wedding dress.

Alice shifted so that she was in front of me and took my hands to pull me to my feet. She struggled for a few seconds before I took pity on her and stood myself. "Iz, you're being silly!" She repeated. "You love that boy. I know you love him, and I can tell that each day, you love him even more than the one before..."

I nodded slowly as I turned back to the mirror to study my reflection again.

She nodded with me and repositioned the pins in my hair so that a few strands fell down, framing my face. "And you know that Bobby loves you, right?"

I nodded my head, refusing to open my mouth.

"I want to hear you say it!" She insisted.

"I know that he loves me." My voice trembled slightly at the words, and I turned to look into my best friend's blue-gray gaze. "I know he does."

She smiled brightly and picked up my vail from the table and placed it atop my head before pulling it down over my face. "So why would you think that on the day that you two are promising to spend the rest of your lives together, that he wouldn't think the you're the most beautiful creature that he's ever laid eyes on?"

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