He Saved Me Chapter Twenty-Two

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Detective Rodriguez on the right---------->


Chapter Twenty-Two

Bobby's POV

After I was sure that Isobel was sound asleep, I slid my arm from around her and eased off the bed. Checking the time, I realized that it was half past 8. My mom was sure to be long gone by now and that meant the me and Izzy's dad were the only two people awake in the house. I cringed as I had that thought. I'd better get home.

Leaning over the bed, I placed a kiss directly on Isobel's lips before I left the room. I heard Mr. Davis moving around in the kitchen so I crept quietly out the front door trying not to call attention to myself.

While I was driving home, my mind jumped back to Isobel. I wish I'd been able to tell her that I love her. I just felt so incomplete without the words being said.

As I turned another corner on the way home, I noticed the flashing lights of an ambulance, a fire truck and several police cars. There must have been some kind of accident. I noticed an officer standing in the middle of the road directing any passing traffic to move along, so I slowed my speed to 5mph as I crept closer to the scene.

It seemed that the closer I got, the more ominous the setting became, and a foreboding feeling settled in my gut. It didn't take long before I noticed the car. My mom's car. It had be forced off the road and the driver side door was dented half way into the car.

My heart beat so hard as I braked my truck that it was almost painful. Leaving the truck there in the middle of the road I ran over to my mom's car as fast as I could. The paramedic's had just eased her out of the car and placed her on a stretcher. Blood was seeping from a gash at her hairline, but I couldn't spot any other injuries. Standing there watching, I was immediately transported back eight years into the past. I was that little ten year old boy again screaming for his mom who wasn't moving or talking or laughing or singing like she usually does. Only now I was an eighteen year old man and I couldn't scream at all.

I couldn't speak. I opened my mouth to call for her, but only a hoarse, choked sob came out as I felt my eyes glaze over with tears. I was trembling. I brought a badly shaking hand up to my face and touched my cheek and looked at the fresh liquid that had leaked onto my fingers. Staring at my hand, my vision blurred and I waved both hands in front of my face and noticed that I had four of them.

I sucked in several deep breaths as my brain tried to catch up with what I was seeing. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to shake some sense into my head, but it didn't work. Why was my mom on a stretcher. And why wasn't she moving.

I seemed to find my voice after that and I called for her then. "MOM!!!!!"

The paramedics froze and they both looked at me with pity, but after a second, they continued to roll her to the ambulance.

"Hey! Hey wait, wha--what happened?" I asked them as my feet began to carry me over.

"Sir? Sir you're gonna have to move your vehicle." I heard an authoritative voice say to me from my left.

I felt dizzy, and I still couldn't get my brain to respond correctly to what I was ordering it to do, so when I tried to turn left to respond to the cop who had spoken to me, I ended up turning right to see my mom's car again. What had happened?

I blinked several times as I turned back to the officer, still trembling badly. "What happened?" I asked him, staring at the badge affixed to his shirt that read Rodriguez.

Rodriguez sighed impatiently. "Hit and run." He responded callously. "Victim found on the scene appears to be a middle aged woman in her late thirties."

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