Epilogue: Leading Lives in a Perfect Peace (Taranza POV)

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     After the war was over, Elfilis had presented some of us with the title of Sun Protector. This included me, Sectonia, Gryll, Flamberge, Daroach, Shadow Kirby, Elfilin, Magolor, Marx, Galacta Knight, Bandee and Kirby. I and the rest of the Rebellion members earned this title for ending the war. Kirby and Bandee were given the title because of the role they played. Galacta Knight was given it for training so many brilliant warriors. Magolor felt like he didn't deserve the title, but Elfilis had insisted.

Unlike the looks of a Moon or Star Warrior, the cape of a Sun Protector is orange, with a sun symbol, with similar headgear to that a Neutral Warrior. And while everyone went their seperate ways, we still kept in touch. I ended up as the king of Floralia. The People of the Sky had offered Sectonia the position of queen, but she declined, choosing to want to fight for Floralia instead. Together, we oversaw the reconstruction of Floralia, with the help of the others. Shadow Kirby ended up still taking Elfilin as his apprentice, and Elfilin is becoming quite skilled at his work.

Gryll, Marx, Magolor, and Galacta Knight all started exploring together, but they always made sure to pay us a visit. Flamberge went back to whatever she did with her sisters before the war, but I heard she occasionally teamed up with Daroach, who's back on his treasure heists with the squeaks.

Remind me to keep some extra Antr's on guard at night.

Bandee still adventures with Kirby, but he even went on quests of his own. Sectonia and I sat at the doorstep to the castle, taking a break, and admiring all of the progress we had made. I just had one little question that wouldn't leave me alone.

"Hey, Sectonia?"


"So, you know how ghosts just...move on once they've accomplished something? Is that going to happen to you?"

She shook her head.

"I won't do anything like that until I'm ready to, and I'll be ready when it's your time. But you have an entire lifetime in front of you, and eternity's just getting started for me."

"But then what about after that?"

She gave me a playful nudge.

"Don't be so worried about it, Ter! If you really want an answer right now, well, I guess once we've both led full lives, we got the entire afterlife in front of us. After all..."

She smiled, giving me encouragement.

"We made it this far together, what's a few millennia more?"

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