Chapter 6: A Deliberate Detour

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     Link was having trouble digesting all that had happened so far in the last twenty four hours. Finding a sword in the ground and saving two girls from a group of Bokoblins was not normally a part of his daily routine, but he wasn't at all upset that it had happened. In fact, he was extremely pleased about the way this day had turned out.

     From the moment he first saw her hanging upside down in that tree, Link had been in love with Tetra. She was so beautiful—her long blonde hair, delicate features, and above all her sparkling green eyes. Whenever he looked into them, he felt like he was in a dream.

Tetra also seemed brave, confident, smart, and kind. She was the perfect girl, the exact kind of person he had always dreamed of meeting.

     The other girl, Norah, was alright. She had a pretty face and was friendly, but she just wasn't the same as Tetra.

      Link was determined to get Tetra back to Hyrule Castle safely, but he was also reluctant to do so. Once she walked through those gates, he would surely be forced to say goodbye to her forever. Common folk like him simply weren't permitted to enter the castle grounds without permission, and someone special like her would surely have someone rich to marry.

     Link felt devastated thinking about never seeing Tetra again after getting to the castle. The thoughts going through his mind nearly drove him insane with misery. But suddenly, a brilliant idea came to him.

     Maybe we can take a detour. Maybe I can impress her enough that she won't want to go back to the castle. It's worth a try.

     "Alright, I think we better turn this way," Link said, stopping them abruptly and pointing left. Norah was walking closely at his left side, and Tetra was at his right.

     "Are you sure?" Norah questioned, peering warily through the trees in the direction he had indicated.

     Link, we both know that's not the way to Hyrule Castle, Navi chimed at him. What are you doing?

     Link ignored Navi. "Yes, this is the way."

     "Alright, I trust you," Norah replied, patting Link's shoulder unnecessarily.

     Hey, listen, Link! This is a foolish plan you're coming up with in that very small brain of yours. Let's just ditch the damsels and get out of here. What do you see in them anyway? All I see is trouble.

     Link ignored his fairy friend once again; her bad attitude was not going to stop him. They made a ninety degree rotation and then continued walking. The woods in this region seemed to feel darker and more scary. The purple mist covering the forest floor was thicker than ever, and the trees loomed over them darkly, casting strange shadows.

Link felt Tetra move in so close to him she brushed against his arm, and he smiled to himself.
You're safe with me, Tetra, he wanted to say to her.

Link was thinking about a question he wanted to ask to get to know her better when Norah asked him one first. "So what does your life look like, Link?"

He shrugged. "Oh, I mostly spend my time exploring the world and scavenging for things I can sell. I also do quite a bit of fishing. It's a simple life, but it's nice."

     Aren't you going to mention that you spend a notable amount of time sleeping? Navi added.

"Did Navi say something?" Tetra wondered.

"No," he said, lifting a hand to shoo Navi away from himself.

"Fishing! That is so cool! I've always wanted to go fishing," Norah said dreamily. "Hey—maybe once we drop Tetra off, you can take me!"

"Oh yeah, maybe," he said with feigned enthusiasm. The idea of taking Norah fishing didn't sound very fun.

"Link, where do you—" Tetra started, but was cut off.

"You know what else we could do? I could take you to my blacksmith shop and we could make some really cool swords."

     "You're a blacksmith?" he asked her, shocked. "I've never met a woman blacksmith."

     She grinned charismatically. "Well, now you have."

     Norah proceeded to give Link a detailed description of the kinds of tools and weapons she made and she even showed him a dagger that her father had made. He was truly impressed by the workmanship Norah's family appeared to have, but he would've rather turned the conversation back to Tetra.

     For the next couple of hours they continued wandering in the Lost Woods, Norah dominating the majority of the conversation. Tetra stayed quiet for most of the time, which concerned Link; he hoped she was ok.

     After encountering a couple of chuchus and a few more bokoblins, they came out of the Lost Woods to find a big, ancient structure, just as the sun was setting.

     "Wow, today really went by fast, didn't it," Norah said, stifling a yawn.

     What in the world prompted you to take us to the Earth Temple, Link? Navi moaned. Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't me.

     "Where are we? Oh dear, I think we got lost in there," said Tetra in distress, looking around herself.  "It doesn't look like we're anywhere near Hyrule Castle."

     Link put on a face he hoped looked like genuine confusion. "Hm, that is weird. Maybe we did take a wrong turn somewhere."

     Navi fluttered her wings in fury. Don't lie! You knew exactly what you were doing coming here, you selfish pig!

     "Why do you always call me pig? Choose any other animal, please."

     Fineselfish cow. Actually, no. Pig definitely suits you better.

     "Huh?" Tetra and Norah asked in unison.

     Link pointed to the ancient temple ahead. "Do you see that structure over there? That's the Earth Temple. There is an awful lot of treasure inside. It's been high on my list of places to explore ever since I found it a couple of months ago."

     "Why have you waited so long to go inside?" Norah asked, placing her hands on her hips.

     "Well... it's one of those places that's kind of scary to go to by yourself."

   'By yourself''? I'm here, remember? You know, lately I've been thinking about actually leaving you by yourself, the little fairy said unhappily.

     "You think it's scary in there?" Norah said in exaggerated disbelief, jabbing a thumb in the direction of the temple. "In that case, it must be really bad. I'll come with you—I know how to use a blade, I could be helpful."

     Tetra laughed a high-pitched laugh, and Link found it kind of cute. "Norah—with the way you handled those Bokoblins earlier, I doubt you would be of very much value in that temple."

     Norah flushed slightly but replied, "Well, I did more than you."

     "It might surprise you to learn that I also happen to know how to use a blade. Living in a castle doesn't make one useless," Tetra snapped, folding her arms and staring coldly at Norah.

     Norah raised her eyebrows. "Are you sure? You couldn't even get that dagger out of your bag—I doubt you could properly use it."

     These girls really hate each other, don't they, Navi observed, and Link nodded his agreement.

     On and on the two girls went, firing nasty insults at each other until they were both red in the face and out of breath.

     When they were finally finished, Link casually broke the silence, pretending as if nothing had happened. "Who's coming with me to the temple? It'll just be a quick detour."

     "Oh, you know I'm coming," Norah said, moving to stand next to Link. She grabbed his arm. "I'll stay right with you."

     Tetra came over to Link's other side, but to his disappointment, didn't take his arm. "I'll come too."

Oh boy, this is going to be bundles of fun, Navi said sarcastically, and they made their way to the ancient Earth Temple.

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