Chapter 2 (Mr.Red & Boss)

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We both groan on the floor, tired. The tube quickly opened as soon as the smoke enveloped us, bringing us back to HQ.

*Clap clap clap*

I heard someone clapping, I lifted my head up, although tired. And see it's the boss grinning, Ugh I bet he thinks this is all just a stupid game for him.

 And see it's the boss grinning, Ugh I bet he thinks this is all just a stupid game for him

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"Good job, 6812 and 7124. You girls only took 5 minutes, must've been the low levels," He says, Ugh he freaking knew, He knew we have personal problems with the trolls there, but he still sent us,

"It was a level 4, sir," I sneer at him, but either he ignores it or he just lets it slide.
"And was it alone?" He asks
"Yes," Azy mumbled, still on the floor.
"Hmm, that's strange. Usually, the higher levels team up," Boss says, in thought. "Welp, you all managed to kill it despite your first time killing, and level 4 as your first kill. Good job,"

If you knew it was our first time killing, then why didn't you send someone with experience with us, is what I want to say. But I knew I would get punished if I questioned him or talked back,
"Thank you, boss," We say, tired.


"FINALLY, NO WORK THIS WEEK YAAA!!!" Azy yelled while rolling around the couch and somehow managed to wrap herself into a burrito, (ーー;)

"*Sigh* About time we get the week off, we've been working for years in the trolls' world for role-playing, Although I feel like it's not enough to only get a week off," I say, flopping down on my favorite couch, the bean bag cat. Ahh the floof

We decided to binge-watch the anime, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 (To be honest I haven't had the time to watch it, I just started watching it)

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We decided to binge-watch the anime, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 (To be honest I haven't had the time to watch it, I just started watching it)

That quickly turns into a bad idea, because Azy is now putting her face on the TV while yelling "NOOO GOJO DON'T DIEEE" And crying...Sigh. I read the manga before and Gojo did come back to life, hopefully, it happen in the anime. Azy never read the manga, claiming that it's better to watch it in animation. Eh, I'm not going to spoil it for her...also Azy is still crying and hugging the TV,

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