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The endless stretch of sand and lifeless land have finally come to an end as the land around them slowly transitioned into a beautiful pasture of greenery. Bubba looked out the window with childish awe, not too exposed to such a landscape.

Jackie was seated in the front, gazing over at her lover's face, taking in every detail and itching into her mind. Y/n tapped on the steering wheel with her thumb, trying to calm herself down from said stare. Turning her head towards Jackie, her relenting gaze remained fixated on the poor girl, not deterred in the slightest.

Y/n: (I'd imagine you're getting tired of staring at me for so long)

Jackie: Nope.

Y/n let out a small groan of embarrassment, much to the amusement of the brunette. Driving onwards, the occasional cluster of homes became more of a common sight, finally showing some semblance of life. Bubba looked over at Y/n, her eyes filled with a faint hint of fear. It was eye-catching...But poking her head to the front, Bubba pointed with curiosity at a motel.

Bubba: oh, what's that?

Jackie: Uhh.

Y/n: (It's a motel, kinda like a house but people can come and go whenever)

Bubba: for free?

Y/n: (Not really...)

Looking out the window, the sun had started to set, an orange glaze painted across the sky.

Y/n: (How about we stay here for the night?)

Jackie: Sure.

Bubba: ooo, it's gonna be my first time in an esteemed motel!

Turning the car over into the parking lot of the motel, she bumped into the curb, shaking the entirety of the vehicle.

Y/n: (I'm still getting used to this)

Whilst Y/n tried to wriggle the car slowly towards a spot, Jackie out of curiosity turned her head over to the window. She could see a familiar figure hunched over on a payphone, sporting the same denim jacket just like...

But her train of thought was interrupted by Y/n braking suddenly, jerking Jackie's head forward.

Y/n: (I'm so sorry! Parking is way harder than I thought.)

Rolling her head, Jackie patted her shoulder in reassurance. Y/n took out the key, reaching out to the door handle to exit the vehicle. However, to her surprise, Jackie was already standing in front of her door.

Bubba: wait how she do that?

Opening the door for Y/n, Jackie without a word reached out her hand, a proud look painted across her face. This just seemed to confuse the girl though as she questioned what Jackie was trying to do. An awkward silence was shared between the two, Jackie even becoming nervous about what she thought was quite a chivalrous action.

Jackie: H-Hand.

She'd pointed towards her own palm, her entire face already flushed in a beet-red tint. Shifting her weight between her two feet, she uneasily waited for Y/n to respond. Finally, the lightbulb in her head was lit, and she smacked her hand against her face out of embarrassment. Letting out a snort, Y/n quickly placed her hand on the brunette's palm, her expression filled with gleeful enthusiasm.

𝑼𝒏𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 [Female Slashers x Mute Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now