Meeting "Dr.Wells"

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“See y'all. I guess...”


The next day

I was dreaming about if I was able to save the both of my boss. Which treated me like family. Until a call interrupted it and I picked it up

(y/n): hello... (I said with a groan)


(Y/n): my poor eardrums...

Fran: OH, COME ON!

(Y/n):okay okay! Jeez...

(And with that, the call ended)

I was getting ready as fast as I could and then I wore a White polo(long sleeves) with a jacket attached to my back, and my short-skirt, with a net like-sock or I forgot whatever it was called(so please tell meh what it was😭😭😭)

And as I sped off outside S.T.A.R. labs. Fran(Cisky/Cisco) and Caitlin was waiting.

“hey guys.”i broke the silence

“Hey, y/n looking sexy today!”Fran complimented my outfit

“Let's just go in guys”Caitlin sighed rolling her eyes at Cisco. I laughed slightly as we walk in.

“Hey guys, this is the girl you were saying that is 'imaginary'” Cisco said rolling his eyes.

Then everyone suddenly got nosebleed, even girls...

“... Is there a nosebleed disease here?”I asked.

“No... Nosebleed means they think you're too beautiful! Even I think that... Wait I think they think you are... You know... S-e-x-y?”He whisper-yelled at the last sentence.

“Shut up bro. They don't think that. At. All.!” I whisper-yelled too

“Doesn't look like it to me... Look at Dr.Wells, he's not getting his eyes off you. He keeps looking at you! Up and Down!” Cisco said with a goofy smirk, and I laughed it off.

“Dummie. No way, shut up.” I said giggling.

At lunch

“hey, umm... Cisco's friend? Can we maybe hang out sometime?” a couple of Cisco's colleague asked me

“Sorry, I really don't hang out with anyone so, yeah” I apologized with an awkward laugh

So cringe... I thought.

“Hey girl~”Fran said with Caitlin behind her walking towards me.

“Oh hey Fran, what's up.” I smiled genuinely.

“You're not gonna replace us with new friends right?”They asked

“Oh, don't you two worry! You two are and always will be my best buddies!!! So never replace me, okay?”i promised them making them smile

“Yes, thank you for being our friend!”

“Haha! No haha...ohoho...ahahaha...ehehe! No need to thank me dummies! I'm supposed to be your friend!” I laughed genuinely and laughed that they thanked their own friend when they don't need to.

('Dr.Wells' POV)

I was talking to the others then I saw y/n again and she is still so beautiful...
I hope they did not see me drooling over her... She's... I don't know... Hot?...

But I must have the accelerator ready so the flash would be created to get me home.

But the problem is...her...
She makes me wanna take her to my bed. Although I can't do that, because she is gonna make me do something to her... She laughs genuinely and cares about her friends and then I'm gonna hope she doesn't marry other Wellses in other Earths because I want her to be mine...
Haahhh, what am I thinking? She will never have an intimate relationship with me... Or anyone...Although, I can try...

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