Sleepover part 1:

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(A/N: so this chapter might be a little too long I guess... But I hope you enjoy!
And some of the songs are probably not released on the timeline!! So please bear with me!)


“Great... Just GREAT...”

The next day

“Ughh... My body hurts...”

“Get the hell up, Cisco called me and said you weren't picking up his call. He said to wake you up and go there RN ASAP”

F*ck, damn it I should probably be there RN...

“okay tell him I'm on my way” I command my brother and I hurried getting my pants on and my shirt.

“Okay, he said see ya later or sooner since they said you're fast at going there in like a minute! Because they don't know about. You know!”

“Yeah I know... Bye...” I speed off going to start labs in a second.

“Alrigh-” I cut Cisco off, asking “Alright what's up guys...?”

“Aaaaaah what the hell... How'd you get there? Since when were you there?”Cisco said, shocked by me taking a very fast entrance.

“Aww, Ramona. First, you call me saying I need to be here. Asap. And, now you don't want me here? That's too bad” I lean down and pinch his cheek and tease him then he became a red tomato for a sec.

“Hey! No of course not! First of all,  I'm not Ramona! Who even is that?!Second, I wanted you here ASAP. But I didn't think you'd be too fast arriving!”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever Ramona~” I tease him again, sending a wink.

“Don't call me that!!”

“Ramon,Ramona. It's the same! Except it has an A on it, dumbass”

“I know but I don't like being called like anything like that! I'm not a girl you know!”

“Ramona, Ramona, Ramona, Ramona, Ramona!!!!”


“You loved teasing me now I'm doing it!”

“No! I did not!”

“'I did not' my f-cking ass! Liar, you literally tease me everytime you can!”

After lunch

“Haaaahh, I'm full! Damn  never fuckin' thought this would be delicious! Although when I eat to much and decide to eat more or someone forces me to eat more... I fall asleep and my fuckin' face! Lands on the food and they literally laugh!” I shout, rolling my eyes while biting my bottom lip.


“What?! I gotta go guys!”

“Sis! I'm gonna go to kick some gangsta's ass! Wanna come?” my brother ran to me and laughed

“ Yeah I guess I'll come... Don't get your ass beaten. Okay?!” I said mockingly at him

“Yeah, yeah. I could say the same!”

After going out to kick some crybabies whatever gangsta's secret lair.

“Wow, I can't believe they're dumb, crybabies, and perverted.” I said as I dusted off my soft-rough hand.

“Yeah, you nailed it sis!”

“how can you like, just sit around and watch me while eating popcorn bro?!” I scold him.

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