Good mood

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I hear my alarm clock ring and I turned it off and dang did my alarm have a smooth sound.

"Another day!!!" I jumped around and put my clothes on. It was a black button up shirt and a black trouser.

I put my headphones on and left..

A few hours later

I walked in S.T.A.R. labs and I had a nosebleed. Eh... Must be with the fight earlier.. but I'm still in a d-mn good mood!

"D-mn, girl you good?" Cisco asked in a playful and surprised tone

"You got into a fight?" Caitlin asked in a definitely worried tone.

"They started betting on who's gonna win so....." I frowned.

"So you got your a$$ kicked?" Caitlin looked at my nose and some bruises.

"Nope I pretty much kicked his a$$."
I laughed it off.

And of course S.T.A.R. labs wouldn't be here unless that annoying man wasn't there..... And he came in and looked at me with....*sigh*....Lust.....

Yeah I could tell....

I still remember what he did last time I saw him! But of course I didn't wanna let him ruin my good mood so I just smiled politely and sat down.

"You seem to be in a pretty good mood today Miss...[L/N]....." Ugh.... Why the creepy stare?!

"Uh.... Well I beat someone's a$$ so.... Yeah...." not me tryna find an excuse to not talk to him.

This guy's crazy....

I just rolled my eyes and rested my head on the table infront of me and slept.

A few hours later

I heard voices and it started getting more clearer.... It was Joe, Cisco, Barry, Caitlin, and Skin walker.
I heard them talking about the particle accelerator.

"It could be modified to act as a makeshift prison.." For once you're being useful to me, Skin walker.... 🙄🙄

"What could?" Barry asks

I immediately answered.

"The particle accelerator..." I spoke and suddenly got up and yelled
"Wait what happened?! Did someone get hurt? Did I miss it? Did someone die? Did I die?!" They laughed when they heard me. Cisco was the only one that gasped and was panting

"Don't scare me like that!" Cisco scolded me.

"Oopsie daisies" I smiled nervously.

They all laughed(except for me and Cisco) at how I startled Cisco..


Caitlin and I had this flashback.. I felt sad for her because Ronnie was a good guy

"Dr Wells.... We just got the latest weather report.. A big... Thunderstorm is rolling in...." Cisco said in a worried tone.

"We're not launching a space shuttle... We'll be fine..." Skin walker replied.

"Told you he won't listen to you" I nudged Cisco.

".... Welp...."
Cisco making a slight frown

A few minutes later, Ronnie ran where the particle accelerator is and didn't let anyone in. He told them to lock him in and they did. While Cisco and I try to comfort Caitlin. I was hugging Caitlin as she cries onto my chest. I get so bad that night.

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