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A Week Later

So Bri has been staying at Zay's house. Zay has been staying at Jaiqwan's house. Bri started doing her clients nails from home due to the fact she don't want Tray knowing were she is.

After work I pulled up to the gate of Jaiqwans home and punched in the 5 digit code.

Zay's Pov
So for the last few day's I been getting to no Jaiqwan he real cool. Right now I just look at him like a fuck buddy for real because I have lost all trust for these niggas. And I really like him because he seem sweet and all of my bills that were over due he paid them for me and he's about to help me get a house for me and my kids.
12:37 am
So I get out the car knock on the door. Jaiqwan opens the door and says awww ma you look tired. I am I said coming throw the door. What you cooking it smell good I asked him. Shrimp alfredo and breadsticks.

Mhm I said while sitting on the couch.
Well I ran you a bubble bath he said while messaging my back. Oh thank you I said while heading to the bathroom. I go to the bathroom soak and take my bath get out and put on my warm vanilla lotion with my VS onesie. I put on my bed time slipers and headed to the kitchen.

I see Jaiqwan playing 2k so I just get my plate and a soda and sit on the couch and watch him. After I was done eating I washed my dish and went and got in the bed until sleep found me.

So as I'm sleeping I have the same dream I had last week I softly get up trying not to wake Jaiqwan. So I creep to the bathroom and I just kept having these horrible flashbacks of my uncle raping me in front of my little cousin. Next I hear a knock at the door it was Jaiqwan are you okay in there he said threw the door. Ya I'm good I'll be out in a minute I said while throwing cold water on my face. I then sat on the toilet and fissioned my  uncle's crusty hands and  lips on top of me with my mouth covered while he gt his pleasure. I then snapped out of it . I left the bathroom and got back  in the bed

Jaiqwan's POV
I don't no what's wrong with Zay but she scaring the hell out me I never felt bad for a hoe but this girl makes me feel happy. The only thing is she got all these damn kids shit .... Well shid fuck it ain gaining feelings for no hoe.

I love myself ain finna let that bastard of a uncle get to me I hope I didnt scare Jaiqwan but, it felt good to have somebody who actually cared about me. I feel good about myself when I'm with him. We just met a few days ago and it feels like years.Anyways I'm bout to go to sleep cause I gotta go to work tomorrow evening.

I no this story is short but please vote and comment.

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