Week Later

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Zay Pov
So I don't know what's been up with Jaiqwan lately. I haven't spoken to him since last week. I've tried calling him and it's been going straight to voicemail. And I've also tried calling him back but he still never answers. I'm really starting to worry. And I really miss talking to him.

Mama Annie Mae POV

I've been so stressed out lately. I got a call from my doctor for the fifth time this week he actually needs me to come in today. He said that I've been stressing to much and that I have a stint in my heart and that it's urgent that I get surgery. Then, on top of that I'm having mother daughter issues. I prayed all last night that God would help me forgive everyone for what they did to me. And he said "They that wait on the lord he shall renew there strength they shall mount up on wings like an eagle that soar". I'm standing on his word cause he did not bring me this far to leave me.

What is the doctor going to tell mama Annie
Is Zay ever going to find her sister
Is Jaiqwan and Zay ever going to talk again.

Find out more secrets as you read✌

Hey yall I no this chapter boring but inbox me or comment orrr write on my message bored and when ever you need someone to read your book just let me no .

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