Cassidy. June 19

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I wake up and it's early morning. I got my arm wrapped around Gracie and of my legs draped over hers and my head on her shoulder. It was nice but I've never cuddles with my friends like this. I move my leg off her as well as slightly take back my arm not to much though I didn't want to wake her. I kept my head on her shoulder though, her perfume lingered little on her neck and her skin was soft— I can't seriously be catching feelings.
Lizzy can't possibly be right. I mean she might be. I just don't want to ruin an amazing friendship with liking her. I can't. I won't. I push all these thoughts to the back on my mind determined not to let it effect me and Gracie.

I must have fallen back asleep because I'm woken by the sun shining through my curtains. Gracie still sleeping next to me I decide to get up and use the bathroom. When I get back I see Gracie sitting up in my bed on her phone.
"Hey" she says in a sleepy raspy voice
"Good morning" I say avoiding the butterflies rushing to my stomach when I hear her speak. I sit down next to her, sure enough to not sit to close.
"You like Phoebe Bridgers right?" Gracie asks
"Um yes of course!" I say smiling "doesn't her album come out soon?"
"It came out last night I completely forgot though" she replies opening Spotify and playing her first song.
We stay there awhile laying back down to listen to the whole album. We were both crying a little by the end. Punisher truly is so beautiful. As we reach the last song we hear a knock on the door. "Come in" I say
"Morning girls" my mom smiles "how'd you guys sleep? Are u hungry?"
"Morning" Gracie and I say in unison
"I slept good" I said looking to Gracie
"Me too" was all she said
"So are u girls hungry? I can make something? Or order whatever sounds good" my mom says, she truly one of the best people I know.
"I could eat" I say getting up from my bed looking at Gracie who nods and does the same "I don't care what though"
"Yea Same" Gracie agrees
"I could make waffles" my mom suggested
"That sounds so good mom" I say smiling filling two cups of water and handing one to Gracie.

The girls ate with Taylor and helped clean up but it was nearing 11:00 when Gracie had to leave.
"Ugh I don't want you to go" Cassidy says flopping on be bed while Gracie packing her things
"I don't want to go trust me LA is so boring my parents don't let me socialize besides my cousins who I love obviously but you know it gets lonely "
I smiled not exactly knowing what to say "well you should come back soon your always welcome to stay over"
Gracie smiles "you should come to LA! Oh my god that'd be so fun!" She smiles
"I'll let you know next time I'm there" I say getting up from my bed and walking out with Gracie. We stand at the door to the apartment for a second.
"Bye?" I say unsure of what to do
She hugs me "bye- I'll miss you a lot"
"I'll miss you too" I say "FaceTime me when ur home I want to see your dog" I laugh
"Ok" she says pulling away and opening the door "bye"
She leaves so quickly. I go to the kitchen to find my mom sitting on her phone. "Hey kid, I was thinking we could head up to Rhode island for the week?"
"Yes oh my god that sounds amazing"
"Great I was thinking ride trip? We can leave later or tomorrow whatever you want"
"I'll go pack" I say jumping and running down the hall.
I finish getting ready for the day, showering, skin care, I even put on mascara and packed a small bag. We've been going back and forth from Rhode Island a lot lately since we don't really have school/work. My mom did set up a recording studio in the Rhode Island House "Holiday House" is what my moms always called it. She won't tell me what she's working on, says she wants me to be just as surprised as the rest of the world. You'd think being Taylor Swift kid you'd get let in on some of the secrets but I guess not.
My mom and I are ready to leave by 2 in the afternoon. I plug my phone into the car shuffling my playlist, a few songs in Gracie's voice echos through the car playing "mean it".
"Gracie's such a sweet girl" my mom says
"Yea she's such a fan of yours" I say laughing
"Aw that's cute" my mom laughs a little "I'm glad you met her"
"Me too I know I don't know her that well yet or anything but she's like the sweetest ever" I say looking out the window subconsciously avoiding eye contact
"I agree" my mom says smirking
I notice the expression "what?" I say glancing at her
"Do you think you maybe like her"
I know my cheeks flush red as I deny "no we're just friends, she lives in LA what doesn't even make since mom" my excuse was weak but it was the first thing to pop in my head
"Yea sure" was all my mom says before my phone vibrates "who is it?"
"Gracie" I huff knowing she's maybe just a little bit right.

I just realized I still have your shirt

That's ok you can keep it
Gives us an excuse to see each other again 🤷‍♀️


After another hour or so of driving we make it to the house. Mom and I settle inside before I go the back deck to check out the waves.

"Do you think I have time to surf for a little before dinner" I call back to my mom

"Yea sure do whatever we're not ona schedule" I hum in response running upstairs to find a swim suit and getting my board. I've been surfing since 7th grade when I begged my mom for a board one Christmas. It started as a little summer hobby but now it's so comforting. Sitting in the water between sets and when you catch the perfect wave just before heading in. Even the shitty small waves that you can ride all the way in. I love it.
Today the waves were pretty calm but I caught a few good ones before heading in. My mom was cooking while I showered and washed the salt out of my hair and when I came down we settled into our evening. We ate then my mom snuck away to work in her studio.
I went up to my room turned on a random episode of vogue beauty secrets and got ready for bed. It was almost ten and I was settling into the confront of my bed turning on the light and closing my eyes.

Authors note:
Idk what this chapter is omg 😭 can y'all tell I miss summer anyway send suggestions 💗

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