Cassidy. Sept 9

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Ive been going in and out of consciousness on the flight. I just don't understand how like the best day could end just like that. The flight felt cold and lonely and I just wanted to go back to Gracie.
The flight half way done and I couldn't sit still. I start humming to myself trying to think of words to go with the tune "standing in the kitchen / counting all the tiles on the floor some of them are hidden"
I spend then next few hours coming up with lyrics completing it by the time i land.
"CASS!" I hear my mom say standing as close to the plane as she can without getting in trouble
"Hiii" I say dragging the I. "Mom I have to much to tell you"
"Okay sweetie let's order in and you can tell me all about it" she pulls me into a side hug rubbing my arm
We get home and settle down a bit before I tell her all about everything "ok so like I guess the most important thing is that I kissed Gracie- or she kissed me uhmmmm I forget but then she asked me to be her girlfriend" I smile from ear to ear as I say it.
My mom gasps as I speak "Awww babe im happy for you"
I go on about the trip awhile longer before we turn on an episode of greys anatomy.

Gracie 💕💕

Gracie 💕💕
How was the flight??

My moms happy we're together

Gracie 💕💕
So are my friends 😭
I miss you

I miss u too
I'll call u before I go to bed 🩷

I think I'm smiling at my phone because my mom starts laughing at me. Our episode ends and my mom turns to me "how ya feeling? Are you to tired for another episode?"
"No im fine"
"Okay! Oh and i was thinking of having Blake and Lizzy and their family over for dinner tomorrow"
I scoot later resting my head and tired eyes in my moms living shoulder "sounds perfect"

"Hey! Sweetie" my mom whisper yelled
I hum half asleep on her arm "Hm?"
"I think you need to head up to bed"
"Whyyyyyy???" I drag the 'y' into a yawn
She laughs "That's why"

I eventually make it to my room, I brush my teeth and hair. I want to call Gracie but I pick up my guitar first and try to write the music for the lyrics I wrote on the plane. I write it fast, it felt like the song came together instantly. I call Gracie as soon as it's done.

"Hey!" She says answering the FaceTime

"Wait listen" I say strumming the guitar. "Ah-ah, ahh-ahh-ahh" I start

Gracie stays quiet the whole time. Eyes glued to the screen

"standing in your kitchen, counting all the tiles on the floor
While you do the dishes" i finish. "It's called tiny things"

"It's so beautiful! I mean your voice is-is it's everything"

I blush a bit but I don't try and hide it "thanks" I set the guitar down and get in bed "how are you?"

"I'm fine I guess I just miss you" she smiles

"I know me-" I yawn "me too"

"Oh my god how jet lagged are u? It's only like 7:30 in New York?" She asks laughing

"I barley slept on the plane"

"But you always fall asleep" she laughs "like every time you lay down"

"Oh shut up" I explain "that's only because I'm with you. I get really bad insomnia"

"Oh" Gracie smiles "I didn't know that"

I shrugged blinking slowing as if it were a struggle to open my eyes

"Go to sleep" Gracie says. She's cute when she's worried

I fake pout "Hmmm but don't hang up that's boring" I turn my light off and lay my phone on the pillow.

"Good night" I hear her say. I think I say something back? That was the last thing I remember before falling asleep

Authors note
I've written everything I have outlined so this is short while I figure out what's next

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