Cassidy. June 16

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Cassidy June. 16

I knock on Lizzys apartment door to be greeted by Blake, her mom. Blake and my mom and are like sisters, they both had me and Lizzy young and in Hollywood they both struggled so they became a support system for each other. Blake's like my second mom, aunt I guess? I don't know whatever she is I'm so thankful my mom and I have her and her family.
"Hey sweetie some in" she greeted me pulling me in for a hug which I reciprocated. Her daughter Inez running in from the kitchen hugging my legs. "Hi Blake! And hey you!" I said picking up Inez who was 4, Lizzy coming down the hall. I followed the family into the kitchen, Ryan, Blake's husband helping their son James get a snack. "Hey Cass! How are ya?" He asked, I smiled setting Inez down on a kitchen stool "I'm good! How are you?"
"Good, considering how crazy everything is. It's just so unbelievable, the pandemic and everything." He responded. I aggressively nodded. Blake steering away from such an unhappy topic changed the subject. "So what should we do for dinner? I was thinking of ordering something's"
"PIZZA" Inez yelled making us all laugh
"Pizza it is" Ryan agreed

Me and Lizzy went to her room while we waited for food, she started telling me about the album she's releasing in August and how she wrote a song called "when the world stopped moving" but doesn't know if she should put it on the album. "You should! Why not everything you write is amazing" I said reading over the lyrics
"You really think?" She asked
"Yes of course! Are you kidding you're so talented!"
"Says you! Like I'm so serious you need to put out music!" She said knowing how hesitant i am about it.
I've always been drawn to music, I play piano guitar and bass and people always say I can sing. But I just feel like everyone would dismiss whatever I put out and say that I'm only doing it because my mom's Taylor Swift. I've expressed this to my mom before, she says not to worry and do whatever makes me happy. I've always been anxious about everything but since the pandemic and I've been more alone with my thoughts I've been wanting to show people the songs I write, god there's so many. Probably a whole albums worth. "You know I couldn't, I'd have a panic attack" I laughed but I wasn't really joking
"But that's part of the fun! Like I'm so scared for August 13th but I can't be more excited" she smiled as she spoke, I really believed her. Maybe I'll start sharing my songs and see where it goes.

We ate dinner with her family, watched an episode of the good place, we always watch that, I watched the first episode with them when it first came out and now it's a tradition.
Lizzy and I went back to her bedroom, we were painting our nails, mine red hers a dark green. "You've been hanging out the that girl right? Grace something or other?" Lizzy asked
"Mhm Gracie Abram's" I laughed at her attempt to remember her name
"Yea her, whats going on with you guys? I know your not one to catch feelings quick but she's like gorgeous"
"We're just friends" I smiled "she is really pretty"
"Awwww your blushing!" Lizzy exclaimed
"Shut up I don't like her like that we're just friends you freak" I said laughing covering me face with my hands getting nail polish on cheek. Lizzy laughed at that too.
As we were going to bed I checked my phone and noticed a text from Gracie from a few hours ago

Let's hangout again! I can try to convince my parents to not make it socially distanced if your moms ok with it
Also you still owe me a song x

I smiled, i had forgot i promised to sing for Gracie.

My mom wouldn't care- you should sleep over if ur allowed
I'll sing for you if u can 💗

Lizzy noticed who I was texting and that she was smiling at her phone "yeah sure u don't like her" Lizzy said before turning her light off

Authors note:
I didn't look this over- I hope it's good 🤷‍♀️
Also lk Taylor's age doesn't make since with how old Cassidy is but like just pretend it's fine
More Gracie in the next part!

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