Chapter 18 A Movie Night With The Bakusquad

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Todoroki's POV:
I knock on his door. 'Bakugo?', I say softly. 'Are you asleep?' No answer. That's strange. It's only 8 PM. Usually he's still awake. 'Bakugo?..' I try and push the door gently. I step back as it opens. Oh..the door is unlocked. 'Bakugo?' I enter his dorm. As I flip the light switch, I come to the realization that it's empty.
Empty? Where could he have gone? I'll ask Kirishima. As I knock on his door, I realize all the lights are off. He's gone too? After knocking a few times, I get no reply. He's gone..Bakugo's gone too... They're gone together... THEY'RE GONE TOGETHER?! Shit..this isn't good. What if they're...doing something...together?...

I run upstairs. Most lights are off. Only Koda and Monoma have their lights on. Both Sero and Denki have their lights off. Maybe they are with Bakugo and Kirishima. That means they're not alone...good. So they're not alone. I run upstairs once more, to find Mina's dorm. The lights on! Maybe she knows where the others went.

I sigh and knock on the door. 'Come in!', Mina yells inviting from a corner. I open the door, when I freeze. I stand in the opening of the door. Mina is sitting on the bed, with Sero laying his head on her lap. Kirishima is sitting in front of the bed, with Denki to him. They both have controllers in their hands and a focused expression on their faces. Bakugo is sitting next to Kirishima. It appears he was doing something on his phone, as he's holding it. Now they're all looking at me, well, except for Denki and Kirishima. 'Hey Todobabe!', Mina smiles. 'Do you need anything?', she asks. Bakugo looks at me, confused, and Sero turned his attention back to the gaming duo. 'I..uhm...', I stammer.
'Damn it!', Denki suddenly pouts. 'How is this possible?! I had full armor!' Kirishima laughs. 'Nice move.', Sero says to Kirishima. Then they notice me. 'Hey Todobro!', Kiri and Denki in sync. 'Hello..' 'Anyway, what did you need?', Mina smiles. 'Right uhm..'. This is embarrassing. 'You know...', Denki says, 'I think Todobro wants to chill with us, but he's too embarrassed to say so!' What did he just say?

Now I'm sitting next to Bakugo and Kirishima. At least I'm barricading them from each other. Mina suggests a horror movie. Most of us, except Denki, agree. I recall him saying he's afraid of those. But, it's 5 votes yes vs 1 vote no. So we're gonna watch one.

'HE DECAPITATED HIS HEAD!', Mina yells. She's now sitting next to Bakugo and Sero. 'RUN YOU IDIOT!', Denki says with his eyes closed. 'I CANT LOOK AT THIS!', he says before hiding his face on Kirishima's shoulder. I swear I could see Kirishima blush. Or was it a trick of the light?.. 'HES BEHIND 'EM!', Sero screams. He has his arm around Mina, who's holding/squeezing Bakugo's hand. Damn. I wish that was me. How can she do that without feeling embarrassed what so ever? 'Bunch of losers.', I hear Bakugo murmur. I turn my attention back to the movie, which now displays a bunch of torn organs. That's kind of disgusting. 'IEEEEEK!', Kirishima yells.

'I'm sleeping with my light on tonight.' The movie has finished, and now everyone is recovering from the shock they felt during the movie. It wasn't too bad, to be honest. I glance at Bakugo, who's paying more attention to his phone than the activities in the room. 'Okay, how about we watch the Titanic next?!', Mina suggests. 'To calm our nerves a little?' 'Hell yeah!', Kirishima says enthusiastically. 'I say we do it!', Sero agrees. 'What do you think, Todobae?' 'Oh, I don't mind if we watch the Titanic.' 'And you Bakubabe?' 'Whatever, but I'm not putting up with your crying when someone dies.' 'Alright, it's a plan!', Kaminari says.

'I can't, this is too much...', Denki sobs. He's now hugging Kirishima, who is also tearing up. 'I know, bro!' Sero is holding a tissue with one hand and Mina's hand with the other. With her other hand, Mina is holding a pillow close. The only ones who seem completely unfazed are me and Bakugo. I glance at him. With a blank yet annoyed expression, he follows the movements of the characters in the movie. I should've known. He doesn't really look like the sensitive type.

'That was so much fun! We need to do that again!' Mina stands up and puts her pillows back. 'Totally!' Denki joins in. 'Maybe tomorrow? It is Friday after all!' 'Yeah! What time tho?' 'Six back at my dorm?', Mina asks. 'Sounds good. I'll be half an hour late, cause I have curfew.', Sero says. 'That's fine, we can wait.', Kirishima says. 'You coming too Bakubabe?' 'No.' 'But please?' 'No.' 'Pleeease?~', the whole squad says in sync. I don't know how they did it, but they did. I chuckle as they all put on sad eyes in front of Bakugo. 'Those eyes don't work on me.' 'Pleeeeeease?~', Kirishima begs. 'It's gonna be very fun...' 'If you all stop whining then fine.', Bakugo stands up. 'All right!' 'Todoroki, are you coming too?' 'Uh..sure..why not?'

Bakugo's POV:
Damn, now I'm kinda glad I didn't decline. Icy-Hot's gonna join us. I mean, we're probably not gonna do anything but let's see what's gonna unfold. I walk to the door. 'Anyway, I'm going to bed.', I say before opening the door. Everyone wishes me a good night. Of course I don't say anything. Out loud, at least. In my head I do. I just...don't like to show it. Tomorrow's Friday, AKA a day where it's either really tiring or really exciting. I sigh as I head back downstairs, to my dorm.

Right when I'm about to I close my door, I hear someone behind me. I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I freeze, but right when I'm about to yell something...'Why are you so tense?' Fuck..It's Half 'n Half. 'What are you doing..', I manage to mutter. Good thing the light is still off, cause I can feel my face burning red.

(Aright, I decided to write a long chapter since I'm bored and sitting in a car waiting for my parents to take me home. And I'm feeling ✨InSpIrAtiOnAl✨. Anyway, sorry for not making Bakugo get the hint.  I'm still not satisfied with the story 😭. Next chapters gonna be a LITTLE spicy. Let me know if y'all are okay with me adding smut, cause I need y'all's opinions. Otherwise I'm gonna remove it from the description. I wanna write a story that satisfies most of you. Of course I can't please ALL of you. But I wanna please the majority of you.
I started this sounds better. I started this story a year ago and I'm still not finished🥹👍🏼 Throughout the chapters you can tell how lazy I've gotten😭. Love to everyone who read/is still reading this 🫶🏼 2024 New Year's resolution: FINISH THIS BOOK CAUSE I HATE WAITING AND IM SURE YOU GUYS DONT LIKE TO WAIT EITHER.

Happy early New Year 😍🫶🏼)

(Future me, when do I finally finish this story?)


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