Chapter 23 On my Mind

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I yawn and look around. I'm in my room. Icy-Hots, beneath me. Holy fuck. Vaguely I remember what happened last night. Dang. I try and get up. Before my feet touch the ground, I feel his arms wrap around me and yank me back in. 'Where are you going?', he asks, half asleep. I blush. 'I'm getting up.' 'It's Saturday. You don't have anywhere to be, so come back~..', he whines. I sigh and lay back down.
'Happy now?' 'Very' he pulls me closer and I can't help but blush. 'Wanna spend the day with me?' 'What?', I look at him questioning. 'Do you wanna go on a REAL proper date with me?' 'I turn my face the other way. 'Wafefer (Whatever)', I say in a muffled tone.

'I donf fnof waf fo fo! (I dont know what to do)', I mumble. Im laying face down onto a pillow. Shitty hair is sitting next to me. 'Come on, Bakubro! You've been on dates before.', he pats my back. 'It's gonna be fine!' I turn around. 'What do you mean?! I genuinely like this fucker, and I don't wanna fuck up!' I sit up a bit. 'You won't! I mean, you two have spent a lot of time together, right? Even Mina said that all the hint can only mean one thing.' I try my best to hide my blushing face. I mean, it's true, we did spent SOME time together. And we did sleep together... But Kiri doesn't know that. But what if. Just what if? Last time I thought Deku was quirkless but guess fucking what? He in fact DOES have one. 'I don't fucking-...' I sigh. 'You never know, Shitty hair.'
'Just give it a shot! Maybe he'll confess to you! Honestly, if Kami-...I mean if my crush would hint at me like this, I'd take my chances.' 'Uuugh, I hate this so much!', I groan before sinking back into the bed. 'When are you guys meeting up?' '5 PM at that fancy bakery or something.' 'Isn't that where you two discussed-...' My eyes widen. 'Shit. You're right.' 'No I didn't mean-' I completely forgot. He fucking made out with Deku. And he asked me for fucking dating advice. 'But then again, I asked him if he liked Deku and he said no?', I mutter. 'See! You have nothing to worry about!' 'Yeah, but-..' 'Come on. Who sleeps with someone just for a bet?' WAIT WHAT?! 'WHO TOLD YOU THAT?!' Kirishima covers his hand with his mouth. 'Shit! I-I didn't mean to-..' 'FUCKER YOU BETTER ANSWER ME THIS FUCKING INSTANT!', I growl before dragging him to the floor. 'ARGH! IM SORRY IM SORRY! I WENT TO MY DORM TO GET SOMETHING AND I HEARD!-' 'SHUT THE FUCK UP!'

I splash my face with cold water and sigh as I look in the mirror. I smile at my awesome reflection. Then my smile drops. If Icy-Hot REALLY was playing with me and this all leaks out, my pride will be fucking hurt. Me, Bakugo Katsuki, a future Pro-Hero, got toyed with. Fucking hell. After dragging Kirishima's ass, I went back to my dorm. I was going to get ready. It's just 12 PM right now, but my nerves won't calm down. There are endless possibilities of what could go wrong tonight.
1. Half 'n Half could admit this was all a bet.
2. Half 'n Half could confess.
3. It could turn out just like last time.
4. We get attacked.
5. Someone (Deku) could ruin it all.
6. Missile could come flying down.
7. The world could end.
Argh! I need to just stop thinking! This is getting weirder and weirder. Okay, okay. I'm gonna take a bath.

Ah, yes. Nice and warm. I'm sitting in a warm bubbling bath. I dropped a caramel-scented bath bomb in. The water fizzes and turns orange as the bomb melts away. I have my duck army watching me from the side of the tub. I breathe in the sweet air and sink down a little, closing my eyes as I lean my head back. 'What're you thinking about, Bakugo?', a familiar voice says from behind me. It's Icy-Hot. His arms are wrapped around my waist and his head is resting on my shoulder. THE FUCK?! I snap out of my daze. I was hallucinating! I jolt up. And so does my dick. Fuck this bath, I'm out. I pull the plug and storm back to my room. God, this is embarrassing, even if I'm the only one who experienced it.

I put on my clothes and lay down on my bed. As I'm staring at the ceiling, I feel as if someone's watching me. I turn my head and I see Icy-Hot, laying on his side smirking at me. I jump up before realizing it was another daydream. WHY THE FUCK?! THIS FUCKER I SWEAR!

I feel like im going insane. Everywhere I go I see his face. For example, I went to Kirishima's room once again. I was reaching for the doorknob what suddenly the doorknob looked like Icy-Hots face. Startled I backed up. Never mind. Back to my dorm. Then, I decided to scroll on my phone. Spoiler. Every photo and video I watched was suddenly filled with red and white. One video had a white and red sky, I don't fucking know how. Then I proceed to watch another 4 videos with that color reference before I throw my phone across the room.

I open my eyes and look at the clock above my desk. 1 PM?! It feels like an eternity has passed. Geez. I can barely calm down now, so how will it go when I'm with the real Half 'n Half?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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