Chapter 539

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Skye's POV : Secrets are Sometimes Best Kept Unknown... Whenever Someone Tells You on What Their Secrets are, It Usually Revolves around Something That They Don't Want To Hear Due To How Bad That Secret Is... However, This Next Secret Really Does Put Me Into a Weird Corner as Not only That I Found out That Veronica & Lorelai Were Hikaru Clan Members, But They're Also Somewhat Related To Me By Blood... With That Revelation From Claw's Research, I Began To Wonder on How I'm Gonna Tell Them That They're My Cousins...


*The Lookout Station Yard* *June 2nd*

Skye : *Sitting on Chase's Brooding Spot* *Looking out into The Bay* *Inhales & Exhales*

Chase : *Enters The Scene* Hey Skye... You Feeling Okay...?

Skye : Hmm? Oh Hey Chase... Not Really...

Chase : *Sits Down Beside Her* Is There Something Bothering You?

Skye : I Was Just Thinking about How am I Gonna Tell Them about it...

Chase : Tell Who about What?

Skye : Veronica & Lorelai... Turns out That I'm Somewhat Related To Them in Some Way as They're Both Hikaru Clan Members Like Me...

Chase : Wait, What? You Serious?

Skye : *Nods* Claw Figured That out When He Compared My Blood to Lorelai's...

Chase : What Did He Say About It...?

Skye : Hmm...


*Barkingburg Castle* *May 31st 2027*

Skye : What?! You're Telling Me That Veronica & Lorelai are Related To Me...?

Claw : *Nods* And Luna Too...

Skye : *Scoffs* This Has Gotta be Some Sort of Joke... No Way That They're Related To Me...

Claw : I'm Not Joking... Look at The Results Here... *Pulls out His Tablet* These are The Results of Both Yours & Lorelai's Blood Samples... They Have The Same Singular Drive... And Since Veronica is Lorelai's Sister, That Would Mean She's also Related To You...

Skye : What...?

Claw : How Else Do You Think Veronica Had Enough Chakra To Be Able To Perform The Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu or Your Signature Thunderstorm Breaker? You Hikaru Clan Members Has Some of The More Insane Chakra Pools over Lightning Release...

Skye : Huh... I Was Honestly Wondering about That...

Claw : But Anyways... There's No Doubt at all That Veronica & Lorelai are In Fact Related to You Not Just By Clan, But also Blood...

Skye : Hmm...


Skye : Claw Also Told Me That Every Time He Sense Lorelai's Lightning Chakra, He Always Gets Flashbacks To The Time We Had our Clash at The Valley of The End... The Same Would Happen Whenever He Detects Veronica's Lightning Chakra Signatures

Chase : When You Meant By Flashbacks... You Mean The Time You Two Blew Each Other's Paws off?

Skye : *Nods*

Chase : Dang... That's One Big Lore That Just Got Dropped on You...

Skye : Yup... And Now I'm Beginning to Wonder on How am I Gonna Tell Those Two... And Also on How I'm Gonna Tell Luna about It...

Chase : Well... I Think It's Best if You Keep That To Yourself Until You Know When is The Best Time... Try Not To Overthink about it Too Much...

Skye : Hmm...

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