Chapter 553

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Chapter 553 : Paw Patrol & The Humdinger Subway Loop Situation! Chase Gone Missing!

Chase's POV : Previously on Paw Patrol Rideout... In The Last Chapter, Wildcat & I Continued on Telling Veronica & Yoshi about our Adventure City Mission But This Time, Liberty is also Here Telling Them Bits & Pieces of The Story... If Imma Be Honest, Sometimes Looking Back at This Story Kinda Troubled Me a Bit, But I Don't Mind Since all of That is Already in The Past... The Next Part However is The Part With The Humdinger Loop & Let's Just Say That This Was Like My Worst Moment Ever in Adventure City...


*The Lookout Station* *June 23rd 2027*

Veronica : Gee... I Didn't Realize That You Had it Hard in Adventure City, Big Bro Chase...

Yoshi : Yeah... Having To Suffer PTSD in Adventure City Sure Must've Been Hard...

Chase : You Tell Me... Even If Didn't Spend 9 Years Like You Did, Little Vee... Being in Adventure City Alone was Just as Rough...

Veronica : What Happens Next?

Wildcat : Well... Mayor Humdinger Decided to Go Into His Whacky Schemes Again...

Liberty : By Sticking a Loop De Loop on The Subway Rails...

Yoshi : Loop De Loop? Like The ones In Hot Wheels?

Chase : Exactly... And This is one of His Most Dumbest Ideas Ever...


*Adventure City Subway Station* *March 23rd 2021* *Cloud Catcher Sucking up More Clouds*

News Reporters : *Gathering*

Myr. Humdinger : Ah... Another Perfect Sunny Day in Adventure City... Enjoy Those Sunbeam Kitties...

The KCC : *Catching Rays*

Kendra : *Steps in* Mr. Mayor...! The Cloud Catcher's Hygrometer is Overloading the Capacity of it's Pressurized internal Containment Chamber...!

Myr. Humdinger : What? Do I Look Like a Scientist To You?

Kendra : *Sigh* We Have to Bring The Cloud Catcher Down...!

Myr. Humdinger : And Ruin This Beautiful Weather?

Kendra : The Cloud Catcher Wasn't Designed to Run Nonstop...

Myr. Humdinger : Nonsense...! As Long as I'm Mayor, The Sun Will Always Keep Shining in Adventure City... Now Get Her Out of Here...!

Bodyguards : *Blocks Kendra*

Butch & Ruben : Get out of Here!!!

Kendra : *Groans* *Leaves*

Ruben : What are You Doing?! I'm Suppose to be The One Telling People to Get out of Here...!

Butch : No You're Not... I'm in Charge...!

Ruben : No, I Am...!

Butch : No, I Am...!

Butch & Ruben : *Arguing*

Myr. Humdinger : *Clears Throat* Citizens of Adventure City... As Your New & Already Favorited Mayor... I Present To You My Next Phase of Putting the Adventure Back in Adventure City...!

Tabby : *Unveils The Curtains*

Myr. Humdinger : The Humdinger Hyper Loop...! The Kookiest, Swoopiest, & Loop de Loopiest Subway Ride The World has Ever Seen...

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