Chapter 544

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Chapter 544 : Showdown at Blazing Wheel Academy 2! Skye & Veronica, Sisters Forever!

Skye's POV : It All Comes Down To This... In The Previous Chapter of Paw Patrol Rideout, The Paw Patrol Went off To Blazing Wheel Academy To Stop a Few Horde of Boom Drones That are Disturbing The School... We Eventually Defeated Most of The Drones & Then Flame Shows Up To Face us all & While We Deal Some Hits Into Her, She Still Easily Mopped The Floor as She Knocked Everyone out... With Me & Veronica Being The Last Two Standing, It's Up To Us To Stop Flame Once & For All...

Veronica's POV : You're Going Down, Flame...


*Blazing Wheel Academy* *June 3rd 2027*

The Paw Patrol : *Grunts*

Flame : It Seems That I Still Have 2 More Little Pests To Take Care of... Just Give Up Already... You Know Very Well That Neither You Two Can Defeat Me...!

The Paw Patrol : *Grunts*

Lorelai & Luna : *Grunts*

Skye : Hmm... Just Because You Have a Stronger Fire Power Compare to Most of Us... That Doesn't Mean That We're Gonna Back Down That Easily...!

Flame : What...?

Veronica : Yeah... You Mess With The Paw Patrol... You Mess With The Both of us As Well...

Skye : And We're Taking You Down Right Here... *Big Bang Sage Mode on*

Veronica : *Lightning Powers Going Full Max*

Skye & Veronica : *Glowing Pink & Blue*

Flame : So That's Really How You Want To Play? Very Well... Show Me Your Worst... *Glowing Red*

Skye & Veronica : Hmm... *Swings Their Swords*

Lorelai : *Grunts* Vee...?

Veronica : Don't Worry Sis... We Got This...

Skye : We'll Be Okay...

Luna : ...!

Flame : *Paws on Fire* *FWOOSH* *Rushes in*

Skye & Veronica : *Rushes in*

Flame : Hmm!

Skye & Veronica : HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *SHING*

*BZZZZZZZZTTTTT* *Reverse Situation Starts Playing*

Flame : *Deflects The Attacks* Finally... This is Starting To Get Real Fun...

Skye & Veronica : .............

Skye : *Eyes Glowing Pink* *Receives a Golden Cloak* Let's Teach This Cat a Lesson, Little Vee...!

Veronica : *Eyes Glowing Blue* *Receives a Pink Cloak* Yeah...! *Leopard + Tiger Mode*

Skye & Veronica : RUSHING ATTACK!!! *Speeds Up* *Attacking Flame*

Flame : *Deflecting Them*

*Insert Pink & Blue Barrages Here*

Skye, Veronica, & Flame : *KLANG* *KLANG* *KLANG* *KLANG* *KLANG*

Flame : *Swings Her Nitrox Blade*

Skye & Veronica : *Dodges*


Flame : *Screech*

Skye & Veronica : *Uses Rushing Attack* *Speeds Up*

Flame : Hmm! Come on...!

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