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"I don't see why I have to go with ye'," you complained, sliding into the backseat. "Why can't I just stay home?"

"I'm not leavin' you at home while you've got a 'small' injury," your mom said firmly, buckling her seatbelt. "Yer' comin' with us. End of discussion."

You shot a dirty look at Leah. "Ye' gonna sit there and laugh or ye' gonna help me out?"

The Defender shrugged. "I think I'm good."

You scowled. "Eejit."

Your mom gasped. "Y/N Y/M/N Little! Take that back!"

"Mm... no."



"Y/N, sit still," your mom scolded quietly as you squirmed in your seat. "This is important."

"But I don't play for Arsenal," you whispered back. "I don't understand why I had to sign an NDA when I coulda just sat in the hallway."

"Sorry, Y/N, but nobody trusts you out there," Jonas joked. "Not by yourself, anyways."

You pouted, glaring at every important Arsenal personnel sat around the table. "This is bullyism."

Your mom facepalmed, sighing. "Here."

You snatched up the Stem Kit, immediately emptying out all the parts in front of you. Your mother may breathe down your neck 24/7, but at least she knew how to keep you entertained.

"Doesn't take much to keep her happy, huh?" a staff member asked amusedly.

Your mom shook her head. "She complains I treat her like a baby, yet she acts like one all the time."

You ignored the various digs directed towards you, more focused on building a robot. Fuck club finances, this was way more fun.


"Muuuum," you mumbled, prying open a panel as Jonas discussed partnerships. "Did you bring any batt—"

The skipper wordlessly tossed a pair of AA batteries at you.

She was always prepared.


"Heyyyy, kiddo!" Erin greeted way too cheerfully for your like. "How's mah favorite keeper doin'?"

You eyed her suspiciously. "What did ye' do?"

"Me? Nothin'," she grinned, clearly knowing something you didn't. "Have you checked Twitter?"

You grimaced. "No, why?"

The older Scot shared a look with Millie. "No reason. Bye!"

You unlocked your phone as she scampered off, frowning as you opened Twitter. There was an unusual amount of notifications. You hadn't posted anything recently, so what the fu—

Leah. Leah fucking Williamson posted a video of you during the Arsenal meeting you'd gone to. She'd taken a video of you engaging in an intense battle with the fucking module interfaces.



"LEAH SUMMIN' WILLIAMSON!" you screeched, banging on her front door. You'd told Emma there was an emergency that required your utmost attention, and your manager had believed you. For some reason.

"I'm coming!" she called, prying open the door. "What's—oof!"

The Arsenal co-captain yelped as you tackled her to the floor, pulling her into a headlock. "What the fu—"

"Ye' dick!" you sneered grumpily as Lotte and Katie laughed. "I'm trendin' on Twitter and it's all yer' fault!"

Leah frowned, attempting to stand up. "Okay, but like— aH—"

You shoulder-checked her, sending her careening into the wall. "I don't like ye' anymore."

Lotte raised her eyebrows. "You liked Leah in the first place?"

"...good point."


"Hey, boss," you smiled, slipping your gloves on. "What'd I miss?"

She turned. "Hey, Y/N. Just doing some passing drills. Join in with whoever."

You nodded. "Alr—"


Your hand instinctively shot out, slapping the ball away just before it would have smacked either you or Emma.

"You both okay?" Ashley questioned, catching your rebound. "That was my bad."

"Yeah, we're good," you rubbed your eyes tiredly. "Yer' fine."

Emma stepped back teasingly. "I'd better back up just in case."

Ashley flushed. "Sorry."

"It's alright. Get back to it, girls!"


"Ready for next Tuesday?" your mom questioned, sitting next to you on the sofa.

You momentarily peeled your gaze away from the TV. "What's next Tuesday?"

"Oh my— yer' game against West Ham?"

"Oh yeah," you chuckled. "I forgot."

"Of course ye' did," she muttered, rubbing her temples. "Anyways, ye' ready?"


"Oh, fuck off—"


Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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