GK Union

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"Hey," you nodded as you passed West Ham captain and starting keeper Mackenzie Arnold. "Alright?"

She smiled slightly. "Yeah. You?"

"Same," you stuck out your hand. "Good luck. You'll need it."

The Aussie smirked as she shook your hand firmly. "We'll see about that."


"Y/N!" Emma called, a field players' jersey in her hands. "Come here!"

You obliged, a confused look on your face. "What's up, boss?"

The manager had a dangerously mischievous look gracing her features. "This isn't a very important game. We can afford to make a few mistakes."

You frowned, rubbing your temples. "And?"

Sam and Guro grinned behind Emma. "I want you to try out a new position. Why don't you go with Attacking Mid?"

You were vaguely aware of your teammates snapping pictures of your shell-shocked face. "Huh?"

She plopped the outfield player's jersey into your hands. "You've got this! It'll be easy, trust me."


"Err... hi," you awkwardly waved at your opposite, Kristie Mewis. (This is so weird ugh) "Alright?"

"Hi," she tilted her head to the side, clearly amused at your uncertainty. "Whatcha doin' all the way out here?"

You scoffed. "God knows."


"Oh fuck," you wheezed, sprinting down the field as Guro passed the ball to you. "SAAAAAAM! I DON' LIKE YER' FIANCÉ, SHE'S SCARY!"

Laughter erupted across the pitch as you crossed the ball into the Hammers' box. You didn't really mind. The less focused your opponents were, the better.

"Fuck me," Kristie laughed, hands resting on her knees as her partner tapped the ball in behind Mackenzie Arnold. "I can't—"

Sam jumped onto you with a goofy grin on her face. "Y/N! Great distraction!"

You snorted. "It was unintentional, but whatever works, I guess."

"Good work, Y/N!" Emma yelled from the sidelines. "I told you you could do it!"

You merely stuck out your tongue. Fuckin' Emma.


"Zecira!" Emma complained as the Keeper was shown a red following a second yellow. "Come on!"

You almost jumped for joy. "Oh, Ze's gone! Guess I have to go in goal now!"

She glared at you. "No."

"But whyyyy?" you whined, arms crossed childishly. "I don't like the Midfield. It's scary."

"It's half-time in a minute," the manager said firmly. "Millie will go in goal. You're not getting out of this."

You threw your hands up in the air in exasperation. "What did I even do? Why'm I bein' punished?"

"You're not being punished," Emma sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "It's to give you more experience."

"Let's just throw all the wingers into goal then, yeah?"


"I'm just sayin'!"


"Great game today, Y/N," the reporter started as you began twirling a pen between your fingers. "I'm going to ask the question we're all thinking. How was it in the Midfield today?"

"Oh mah God!" you stood up abruptly, waving your arms around wildly. "Don't even get me started on that Midfield! It was awful and fuckin' Kristie Mewis is terrifyin' as shit! I canny' perform in those conditions! It's outrageous! Like—"

"Okay, Y/N, let's calm down a second," Jessie grabbed your wrist to stop your energetic pacing. "Emma said Y/N was placed in the Midfield today to give her more experience as a player. You're young, Y/N. Your career is just starting."

You jerked away from her. "Yer' s'pposed to be in my side, Jeffery! See, this is why ye' have no friends."

"Oh, shut up!"


"Fancy meeting you guys here."

You whipped around, locking eyes with both Mary Earps and Mackenzie Arnold. "Uh... hey."

"G'day," Mackenzie smiled. "You two down for lunch?"


"So, Mearps," you began, clearing your throat. "What're ye' doin' in London?"

"Just visiting some friends," she shrugged. "Kinda weird we all just ended up in the same spot at the same time, y'know?"

"Yup," Mackenzie agreed. "GK Union, too."

"I've gotta go," you stated suddenly. "Bus leaves soon and I'm pretty sure all my teammates are spam texting me. We should hang out again, though."

"Absolutely," Mary nodded. "See ya."

"I'm down," Mackenzie grinned. "Have a good one, mate."

As you exited the cafe, you dialed Sam's number. "SAM! TELL EVERYBODY TO SHUT THE FOOK' UP! I'M ON MY WAY!"




You paused. "That's fair."

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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