It's Been a Pleasure

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"It's gonna be alright, honey," your mom squeezed your hand gently. "It's gonna be okay. Just go in there and tell them."

"Okay," you sucked in a breath. "Yeah, I'll do that."

"Love you, kiddo."

"Love you too, mum."

You climbed out of the car, grabbing your kit bag and sighing.

Today was the day that you broke the news to your Chelsea teammates. You'd decided to minimize the damage by telling the Blues of your signing to Arsenal instead of letting them find out through social media.

"Hey, Y/N," Jessie called softly, an unsure smile on her face as she held the door open. "How are you?"

"I'm— uh... I'm alright," you smiled back awkwardly. "Ye'?"

"Good, thanks."

The two of you walked in a slightly tense silence to the changing room.

You took a seat in front of your cubby, simply just sitting there for a moment before beginning to move.

You'd tell your teammates about your move later. Practice would be a bit awkward if you announced it now.


"Y/an, you've been quiet all day," Niamh stated. "Are you alright?"

"N—yea— uh... I have an announcement to make," you stumbled over your own words, fingers twitching aggressively as the last of your teammates filed into the changing room. "I— as ye' all know, mah contract with Chelsea is almost over. It's been a pleasure, but I've— I've decided not to renew it."

The room was quiet.

"I thought you liked it here," Sam looked upset. "You're just— that's it? Going away after one season?"

You swallowed, deciding to ignore the Aussie's statement. "I—I was gonna... gonna renew mah contract, but I got a new offer. A better one. I'd be achievin' mah childhood dream."

"You're moving to Arsenal?" Millie's usually booming voice was quiet. "Really?"

The silence was deafening, and you were certain you would have collapsed had Erin not rushed over to engulf you in a comforting hug.

"I'm so proud of ye', kiddo," she smiled sadly, pulling away momentarily to brush away your tears with her thumb. "I know this is all you've ever wanted."

She lowered her voice so that only you could hear. "They're just in shock, is all. They'll get over it eventually. Don't ye' take any of this to heart."

You buried your face in her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Ez."

Her hands clasped around your back. "Don't be. I'm so proud of ye'."

------------------------ (Timeaskipa to tomorrowa)

You grasped the pen, tracing over the words with your index finger as you read along.

Signing the paper would make all your dreams come true.

It would allow you to play for your childhood club.

Allow you to play on the same team as your mom.

Allow you to play with the people that have acted as your family for years.

You swiftly signed along the line, giving a genuine grin to all the cameras as Jonas hugged you. He'd been professional about everything so far, but you were fairly certain he'd just shed a tear or two.

As the man who'd voluntarily taken care of you when your mother was busy, taught you Swedish during the women's training, and entertained you during games, he couldn't be prouder to see you doing what you hoped to accomplish in life.

"Jonas," you whispered, patting his back awkwardly. "The camera people are lookin' at us weird."

"I don't care," he whispered back. "I'm so proud of you."

Basically, because his back was to the camera, he left you to awkwardly give a thumbs-up to everyone in the room.

Damn you, Jonas.


"Girls!" Jonas yelled, clapping his hands together. "Come here!"

You took a deep breath, using the 4-4-4-4 breathing technique to focus yourself.

"We've got a new signing today," the manager was physically shaking with excitement, and if you'd seen his face, you would have noticed the delighted gleam in his eyes. "I'll let her introduce herself."

You stepped into view, waving unsurely. "Hi—"

"Y/N!" Jen was on you first, tackling you in a hug just before the others. "You're here!"

Katie was next, the rowdy Irishwoman giving you a noogie with a grin on her face. "It's the Skipper's Kid!"

Before you knew it, you were at the very bottom of a dog pile consisting of all your new teammates. Besides one.

Once you'd pushed them all off you, you stood. "Hi, mum."

The Scot opened her arms with a wide grin threatening to split her face in half. "What are ye' waitin' for? Come give yer' mum a hug."

"Mama's girl!" Kyra snickered. "Little bab-— OW!"

You jammed the nerf gun back into your pocket. "Mind yer' damn own business."


Wee bit of angst but with some fluff to balance it out

Dw we gonna have a great next chapter

We're back with the nerf gun LOL

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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