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Fan's POV:

They smiled at each other, and it was kinda awkward at first since they weren't expecting this reaction. After a while, Fan finally decides to speak up.

"Soo.. Hey Test Tube, you weren't expecting me, huh..?"

Fan kept looking at TestTube nervously. Is she okay? Did she break? Why isn't she answering?? He started to get worried until TestTube finally spoke up.

"Fan, can we go outside..?" She says, sounding a bit excited.

Fan's eyes widen, he wasn't expecting this at all, but he couldn't wait any longer. "Y-Yeah sure! O-Of course!"

They both walk outside, and they both put their backpacks down. It was an awkward silence and Fan was pretty embarrassed. But after another minute, he looks behind him and hears TestTube squealing and suddenly pull him into a hug.

"I-I can't believe you're actually here Fan! I thought I wouldn't see you again!.." She sobs a little, as she keeps Fan close to her.

Fan Is completely stunned, he can't help but blush a little, as he hugs her back. "I wasn't really expecting this type of reaction Testy, did you really miss me that much?." He asked wondering.

Test Tube responds. "Of course I missed you Fan! I missed you even more than the others, I hope we'll have a great high school year, or well, years, together Fan! I'm soo happy!!"

Fan could feel himself blushing more and more as it deepens. He starts so get concerned... After all these years of being friends, now he's falling for her again..? No! Fan can't think that, he's her best friend, and nothing more, he doesn't wanna ruin their friendship so quickly. Not to mention that last time he liked her... It destroy him completely. Staying friends might be hard, but it'll be worth it..

He doesn't need his heart broken again...

"Yeah.. Me too Test Tube.. I can't wait.."

~More Than Friends~ (Fantube-High School AU) Where stories live. Discover now