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Editors note: I will be switching POV'S in this chapter, so enjoy! <3

Fan's POV:

Wow.. The girl I like, is going to have a sleepover with me! Gosh.. I can already feel myself melting, not to mention she pulled me closer to her when I hugged her, and she let me nuzzle her hand.. It's like..

She likes me back..

But, who could love me.? I really don't have many friends, and Im just an awkward and embarrassing boy.. There's no way Test Tube could like me-

Test Tube breaks his thoughts.
"Fan? We're already at your house.."
Fan looks up at Test Tube, and he doesn't even hold back as he grabs both of her hands and smiles at her, to see her reaction..

...She blushes...

I can feel my heart racing and my Blush increases as we continue to hold hands. We stand for a while, before eventually I felt the urge to just tell her how I feel..

"We should.. Probably go inside now.. It's getting pretty dark, and aren't you afraid of the dark?." Test Tube says.

I look up at her, and I nod. "I'm not scared! Just, uh.. Okay, maybe a bit.."
I can feel myself blushing more and more. "Y-Yeah, let's go inside now.."

We both walk in, and I close the door and lock it. Test Tube walks around a bit, and I find away to distract myself.
"Hey Testy, I'm going to go check myself in the bathroom, il be right back.. In the meantime, look around if you like..!" I say, and I walk off.

Test Tube's POV:

I smile, as I look around his house, it's pretty big, other than the fact it has two stories, since my house also does. I looked around a little more before I decided to walk upstairs. I see a few rooms, but one of them caught my attention, Fan's room.

I can't help but walk inside, and I blink a bit as I look around. His room is pretty cool, light blue walls, lots of gadgets on the side of his room, his bed and.. A box..

I was pretty confused, I was wondering if I should look in the box, but my curious self couldn't resist as I opened the box, and once I looked inside I couldn't have blushed harder..

It was pictures of me and him...

Not just pictures.. But drawings as well..

(I forgot the signature lmao)

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(I forgot the signature lmao)

My heart was beating like crazy.. How long has he had this for..? Now knowing this.. I guess that awnsers my question..

...I do like him...

I close the box quickly, as I can hear footsteps coming to the room. I stand up quickly and sit on Fan's bed. Fan comes in, and he just smiles before sitting next to me.

"Soo.. What do you wanna do Testy?"
He asks. I can still feel my heart racing after what I just saw.
"W-Well.. Do you wanna play a game?" I say nervously, I can't control myself.

"Sure! What game?" I look at him, I try thinking about a game, but I just can't stop staring at him with cloudy eyes.. I then snap out of my thoughts and say the first thing that came into my mind...

"Want to play truth or dare?"

Of course I said that, I couldn't think of anything else.. Besides, I want to make Fan spill the truth..

"Sure Testy! Let's start now! Soo, truth or dare?" He says excitedly. I smile at him as I say, "Truth!" He smiles, and he starts blushing a little, I can already tell this is something about me. "Do you.. like anyone..?" He say nervously. I smile, and just told him the truth. "At first, I didn't really like anyone.. But now, I think I'm falling for them.." I say, while I feel my blush deepen. Fan smiles as his blush increases as well, and then I ask him, "Soo.. Truth or dare?" He looks at me, before he says, "Dare!!"

I smirk, and I thought of something that would make him blush like crazy.

"Do you like me..? And be honest.."

Fan's POV:

...W-What did she just ask me..? There's no way she asked me that..

Does she actually like me.?

I want to tell her so badly, but the only thing I got out of my mouth was..


I want to scream so badly, that was the most important thing to me, and I screwed it up.. But I look up at her, and she's blushing, and smiling a bit nervously. "W-We should probably sleep.." She says.

I nod in agreement, and I go grab a mattress from downstairs, and bring it to my room, as I place it next to my bed. The mattress was pretty big, it could at least fit two people there.. Two people huh, maybe I could- Wait, NO.. KEEP. YOURSELF. TOGETHER.

I can feel my face burn, as I just turn of the lights and lay on my bed. Test Tube wants to tell me something, so I turn on my lamp. "Do you need something Testy..?"

Test Tube's POV:

...Should I tell him my feelings? It's obvious he likes me, now that I know it for sure, but I want to take this little by little, so I take a deep breath and look at him, blushing, and soon the words slip out of my mouth..

"I want to sleep with you.."

(Dirty minded ppl don't you even dare..)

Fan's POV:

I can feel myself melting.. I wanted to say yes so badly, but I didn't want to make it sound like I was a weirdo, so I just said whatever came to my mind.
"S-Sure Testy.. If that's what you want.."

Gosh, I sounded so stupid.. But it didn't matter, I got off my bed and laid on her mattress. I can feel her breath, as she moves closer to me, I'm going to melt any second now if this keeps going..

She then pulls me in close to her and cuddles up with me, my heart was beating so quickly I can barely feel it anymore.. She hugs me so close, and I couldn't resist as I just wrap my arms around her, as we both drift of to sleep.

I'm not sure if I was dreaming or not, but I could have sworn that I heard her whisper..

"I love you too Fan..."


Anyways, I probably will start writing the next chapter soon, but not today sadly.

1135 words, wow.. I'm proud of myself.


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