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Fan's POV:

I open my eyes, groaning because I'm a bit tired... and everything is just so blurry.. I blinked a few times before realizing that I need my glasses, gosh I'm stupid. I look around the mattress, trying to feel around and see if I can find my glasses, before something grabs onto my waist...

It was test tube... Her arm was wrapped around me...

"You okay..?" She said, in a pretty tired voice. My face went a dark red, and she pulled me a bit closer to her.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine, I just need my glasses, Test Tube..."

She sits up, and I do the same. She grabs her glasses and looks around before finding mines and putting them on my face.

"Heh, thanks Testy..." Gosh I'm probably blushing so hard right now, I'm such an idiot...

"Don't mentioned it, really"
She cups one of my cheeks with her hand and kisses me on the other one.

"Testy!! That was unexpected!!" I look at her blushing like crazy... But I cup her face and kiss her on the lips.

TestTube blinks twice, trying to comprehend what's happening, before melting into the kiss and pulling me closer to her. We stay like that for a few seconds, before pulling apart.

"Hah! I win!" I say sarcastically, laughing a bit. "Fan, it's not a competition on who kisses the longest!" TestTube says, her blush increasing a bit, but a little annoyed.

"Oh come on Testy, you know you want to!" I giggle, giving her a smirk and standing up. "Look, if you don't want to, it's fine, but I know you'll give up eventually..." Chuckling, I lend her a hand as she grabs it and stands up as well. We interlock fingers and I felt my face heat up. Gosh, I'm not used to this...

"What would you even say or act if I took on that bet?" She says blushing.

"I wouldn't min- HMPH-"

She suddenly kisses me out of nowhere, and I was a bit confused at first.

That was until...

She went deeper...
(A/N: help I'm dying here)

TestTube's POV:

I kept kissing him, which felt like an eternity! I was heating up so much, and I honestly couldn't control myself... I went deeper, and his arms suddenly hanged to his side.

I look at him confused, still kissing him, his face was a really dark red, and his eyes were still open in shocked. I giggle at his actions, but he gets a bit flustered, he also smirked a bit.

After a few seconds, he closes his eyes and wraps his arms around my neck, Pulling me a bit closer. I also lean in a bit, grabbing onto his waist.

After a minute, he pulls back before leaning back in quickly, as I do the same. My whole body felt warm, and it felt like everything around me stopped.

I smiled as we kept kissing, but I knew this had to end eventually, we couldn't keep this up forever.

After another minute, I pull back, and Fan tried leaning back in, but I place my finger on his lips, and he pauses, blushing intensely

"Woah, woah, calm down, Fanster, we can't do this forever." I say, smiling at him. He looks at me with a disappointed face, a bit sad. "Awhhhhh... But I want kissesss..."

I giggle, "I love you Fan, but let's calm down right now, I think one of us are gonna melt eventually if we even keep this up." I look at him, giving him a warm smile, trying to make him understand.

"Awhh.. Okayy.. I will, Testy.." He shakes a bit though.

"One more on the cheek? Pleaseee..?"
His pleading eyes are adorable, I can't say no to that..

"Oh alright, just one more you goober!" I giggle, as he smiled and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. He pulls back quickly and smiles even more, blushing.

"Alright, Testy, we've got a new day ahead of us and I can't wait to spend time with you!"

"Heh, I can't wait either, Fanster."

Only did they knew that this perfect day might end up not as nice as they think...



I'm so sorry for leaving I'm just so freaking busy 😞☹️

I PROMISE I'll try to upload more often.

If I can't please spear me mercy my lovely people ❤


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