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Test Tube's POV:

Did he just.. Nuzzle my hand..?
That felt so..Nice.. Did I just confess to that..? Ughh..Why do I feel so.. Weird.. My stomach feels like it has butterflies.. And.. And...


Oh no..

No.. No no no..

I don't feel that.. Or, do I?..

Fan snaps her out of her thoughts. "Heyy Testy, You okay? you look like your about to explode.." His expression changes as he looks at her worried, but he doesn't let go of her hand.

Test Tube looks at him. And for some reason, she can't look away from his eyes, Fan then stares back at her, and Test Tube swears she can feel her heart Jump out of her chess.

After a few seconds, that feels more like hours, she finally gets the courage to speak up again.

"I-Im fine.. No need to worry about me.." She starts shaking a bit. I don't like him, I knows it, but.. Why does he look so.. Cute.. Wait.. Did I just confess to that.. Again..? I can't help but look at him.. His eyes, his smile, his-

"Testy, you keep looking at me like if you've seen a ghost, please, be honest with me, is everything okay..?"

Test Tube looks back at Fan, she smiles nervously as she responds.
"I'm fine, really.. It's just.. You nuzzled my hand, it took me by surprise.."

Fan looks at me, and blushes.. I can feel myself blushing back. We just stand there.. I feel like I'm about to explode, until the bell rings. I just said bye quickly and sprinted off.

What is this.. Feeling!? I've never felt like this.. We've been friend for years, and all of sudden, it's like I feel something.. For him..

...I think...

...I might have a thing for him...

After school

Do I really like him.. Or is this just what friends feel..? Whatever, it should go away soon.. right?

She goes to the park for a walk and then sits on a bench, thinking of ideas for new experiments.

"Maybe I can try making a lie detector.. That would be nice, I can maybe even test it out on Fan! To finally find out what he could be hiding.."

The thought of thinking about fan makes me feel warm, but in a good way.. Wait, am I thinking about him again? Ugh, what are these reactions of mine! I don't like him, he's only my best friend, just that..

After a few hours, it starts getting dark, so she decides to walk home. It only takes a few minutes until she sees Fan, walking and talking to himself, also having a small notebook in his hands, as he is writting in it, wait, no, drawing..

I follow him from behind, hiding when he turns around, so he doesn't spot me. I can hear him talk, and I don't pay much attention to what he says, until one sentence caught my attention..

"Do I really... Like her?.." Fan says.

..I felt my heart jump.. Is.. He talking about.. Me..?

I keep walking behind him, until I eventually give up and tap him on the shoulder. He looks back and when he sees me, he hugs me tight.. I couldn't resist anymore, as I pull his body closer to mines.. He doesn't seem to care and just keeps hugging me.

My heart is beating so fast.. He looks up at me with a smile, and I look down at his lips, I try my best to resist.. It's like I want to kiss him.. Or maybe.. It's because.. I do.. I just want to crash my lips onto his, with no hesitation, but I'm to scared that he'll just run away after..

Fan soon let's go of me, and then he grabs my hand, and nuzzles it again, I don't even try pulling back.. I just hold his hand tight as he does so..

I know I don't have feelings for him.. But.. If I do.. I have to make sure somehow..

Fan then breaks the silence. "Hey Testy, my parents are out of town, so do you want to stay over?"

I can feel my face burn, but I nod quickly.
"Y-Yeah! My parents wouldn't mind, they don't really notice if I'm gone anyways, they're to busy on experiments.."

Fan smiles, and he continues to nuzzle my hand, I feel like I'm going to melt on the spot..
He just holds my hand and walks me to his house, So I guess we're having a sleep over! I still have something on my mind though.. If I really do have feelings for him, how do I make sure?..

...I guess il just have to wait and see...

Editors note: HII LONG TIME NO SEE!! I did like 4-5 chapters in one day omga.

Soo.. Test Tube likes Fan!? Wow, mind blown. Lmfao, talk about he fell first but she fell harder. This chapter is a little longer and I'm proud of it!!ANYWAYS CYA IN THE NEXT CHAPTER/S. ❤️‍✨

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