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Today is the 13th of April, a date that always brings back painful memories for me. It's been exactly seven years since that dreadful day, and it's hard to believe how quickly time has flown by. This day marks the anniversary of the betrayal that I experienced at the hands of someone I trusted and loved. The pain and heartache that I felt on that day still linger within me, and it's difficult to forget.

I can still remember vividly how I was treated so poorly by someone I held so dear. It was devastating to be betrayed by someone I trusted so much. The person who was once the apple of my eye suddenly turned against me and started talking behind my back, spreading rumours and lies about me. The betrayal was so significant that it still haunts me to this day. I can't help but wonder how he could do that to me. Did I somehow deserve it? Was I that bad back then? These flashbacks give me shivers, and even after all this time, I'm still trying to come to terms with what happened.

Today, I woke up feeling puffy-eyed and emotionally drained, but I knew I had to get ready for work. I shuffled my way to the shower, and after completing my morning rituals, I double-checked my appearance. I wanted to look my best for the new acting CEO who was coming to our office for the first time. I decided to pair my black pencil skirt with a crisp white shirt and a small pendant gifted to me by Christian. I hopped into my car and reached the office, where everyone was eagerly anticipating the new CEO's arrival. As the day progressed, the office was buzzing with excitement and anticipation, and everyone was curious to know what the new CEO might be like.

As the chaotic office went into silent mode, we all heard the announcement of our new CEO's arrival. The energy in the room was palpable, and everyone rushed to the gate to greet him. However, as soon as his face came into my view, I could feel my health starting to deteriorate. All the flashbacks of my past betrayal came to my mind sooner than I thought, and I lost consciousness. I woke up a few moments later, surrounded by my colleagues, who were concerned about my well-being. It was obvious that I needed to take some time off to recover from the shock of seeing the person who had hurt me so deeply.


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