15yrs later

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Asta was training with Liebe under the demon statue in Hage, trying to master a new mode called Devil Ultra +. It was a mode that unleashed his full anti-magic potential, making him faster, stronger, and more durable than ever. He also had a new move that he wanted to test out. It was called Amida Burst Void, and it was a powerful blast of anti-magic that could erase anything in its path.Asta and Liebe were in sync, and they felt confident that they could pull it off. They activated their Devil Union and charged up their move. Asta swung his Demon Slayer sword and released a massive beam of black energy. He shouted, "Amida Burst Void!"However, he didn't realize how destructive his move was. The beam tore through the air and hit the demon statue, causing a huge explosion. The shockwave shattered the windows of the nearby houses and sent debris flying everywhere. The ground shook and cracked, creating a fissure that ran from Hage to the outskirts of the Clover Kingdom. Asta and Liebe were blown away by the blast, and they crashed into a tree."Ow, ow, ow! That hurt!" Asta groaned, rubbing his head."Are you okay, Asta?" Liebe asked, concerned."I think so. But what about the village? Did we destroy it?" Asta asked, looking around.They saw smoke and dust rising from the ruins of the demon statue. They heard screams and cries of the villagers, who were panicking and running for their lives. They also saw the Magic Knights, who had arrived to investigate the disturbance. They looked angry and shocked, and they pointed their weapons at Asta and Liebe."What have you done, you brat? You've caused a disaster!" One of them yelled."Who are you? Are you a devil? How dare you attack our kingdom!" Another one shouted."No, no, no! You've got it all wrong! We're not devils, we're humans! We were just training, we didn't mean to cause any trouble!" Asta tried to explain, but they didn't listen.They launched their spells at Asta and Liebe, who barely dodged them. Asta and Liebe realized that they had no choice but to fight back. They used their anti-magic to deflect and counter the attacks, and they managed to escape from the village. They ran as fast as they could, hoping to find a safe place to hide."Wow, that was close. We almost got killed!" Liebe said, panting."I know, right? That was crazy. I'm sorry, Liebe. I didn't know our move was so powerful. I guess we need more practice." Asta said, apologizing."It's okay, Asta. It's not your fault. You're amazing. You've mastered the new mode and the new move. You're the strongest anti-magic user ever." Liebe said, praising him."Thanks, Liebe. You're amazing too. You're the best partner ever." Asta said, smiling.They hugged each other, feeling happy and proud. They had overcome their limits, and they had become stronger. They were ready to face any challenge that came their way.They decided to head to the capital, where the Magic Knight exams were being held. They wanted to join the Magic Knights, and they hoped to find a squad that would accept them. They also wanted to see their friend Yuno, who had also been training hard for the exams. They hadn't seen him in a long time, and they wondered how he was doing.They reached the capital, and they registered for the exams. They got their numbers, and they saw that Yuno was number 32, and Asta was number 33. They were happy to see each other, and they greeted each other warmly."Hey, Yuno! Long time no see! How have you been?" Asta asked."Hey, Asta! I've been good. How about you?" Yuno asked."I've been great! I've learned a new mode and a new move. Check this out!" Asta said, showing his Devil Ultra Plus and his Demon Slayer sword."Wow, that's impressive. You've grown a lot. But so have I. Look at this!" Yuno said, showing his Spirit bringiner and his Wind Spirit sword.They both admired each other's progress, and they felt a friendly rivalry. They wanted to test their skills against each other, and they hoped to get the chance in the exams.The exams began, and the first test was flying on a broom. Asta didn't need a broom, as he could fly with his sword. He used his anti-magic to manipulate the gravity around him, and he flew upside down, flying fast and agile. Yuno also didn't need a broom, as he could fly with his spirit. He used his wind magic to create a jet stream, and he flew upside down, flying fast and graceful. They both flew circles around the other examinees, who were struggling to stay on their brooms. They also flew towards each other, and they clashed in mid-air, creating a sonic boom.They both passed the test with flying colors, and they moved on to the next test. It was a battle royale, where they had to fight each other and the other examinees. They both unleashed their full power, and they dominated the battlefield. They defeated everyone who came near them, and they made their way to the center of the arena. They faced each other, and they prepared for their final showdown.They both activated their ultimate modes, and they charged at each other. Asta used his Devil Ultra +, and he became a dark silhouette with glowing red eyes. He swung his sword, and he shouted, "Amida Burst Void!" Yuno used his Wind Zephyr, and he became a shining figure with glowing green eyes. He swung his sword, and he shouted, "Hurricane Killer!"Their moves collided, and they created a huge blast of light and darkness. The blast was so powerful that it shook the entire arena, and it caught the attention of everyone. The Magic Knight captains, who were watching the exams, were stunned by the display of power. They recognized the potential and talent of Asta and Yuno, and they wanted to recruit them for their squads.They all raised their hands, and they offered their badges to Asta and Yuno. Asta and Yuno had passed the exams, and they had impressed all the captains. They had the choice to join any squad they wanted. They looked at each other, and they smiled. They knew what they wanted. They both chose the same squad. They chose the Black Bulls, the squad of misfits and outcasts. They chose the squad that would accept them for who they were. They chose the squad that would become their family.They joined the Black Bulls, and they were welcomed by their new teammates. They met the captain, Yami Sukehiro, who was a gruff and tough man with a katana. He liked Asta and Yuno, and he gave them a nickname. He called them the "Twin Stars of the Black Bulls". He said that they were the future of the squad, and he expected great things from them.Asta and Yuno were happy to join the Black Bulls, and they were excited to start their new adventure. They had achieved their first goal, and they had taken their first step towards their ultimate goal. They wanted to become the Wizard King, and they wanted to change the world. They knew they had a long way to go, but they were not afraid. They had each other, and they had their friends. They had their magic, and they had their dreams. They were ready to face any challenge that came their way. They were ready to write their own story.Author Note:Yuno has the slyph already.

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