Part 2

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After Asta and Yuno joined the Black Bulls, they were introduced to their new teammates. They met Magna Swing, a hot-headed and loud-mouthed fire mage who liked to ride a flying broom. He was the one who was supposed to give them the Black Bulls initiation test, which involved fighting him in a duel. However, he realized that he was no match for Asta and Yuno, who had shown incredible power and skill in the exams. He knew that if he fought them, he would be killed by their moves. He decided to skip the test, and he just gave them the Black Bulls coats instead."Here, take these. You're officially Black Bulls now." Magna said, handing them the coats."Really? Just like that? No test?" Asta asked, surprised."Nah, no need. You guys are too strong for me. I don't want to die." Magna said, admitting."Wow, thanks. That's very generous of you." Yuno said, accepting."Don't mention it. Just don't forget who's your senior here. You still have to respect me and follow my orders." Magna said, trying to act tough."Sure, sure. Whatever you say, boss." Asta said, mocking."Hey, don't get cocky, you brat. I'll still beat you up if you annoy me." Magna said, threatening."Bring it on, then. I'm not afraid of you." Asta said, challenging.They started to bicker and argue, and they looked like they were about to fight. Vanessa Enoteca, a beautiful and seductive witch who could manipulate fate with her cat, intervened and stopped them. She was the one who had given them the coats, as she was in charge of the Black Bulls' wardrobe. She liked Asta and Yuno, and she wanted to welcome them to the squad."Hey, hey, hey. Calm down, boys. There's no need to fight. You're all friends here." Vanessa said, soothing."Who are you calling friends? They're just rookies. They have to earn their place here." Magna said, grumbling."Oh, come on, Magna. Don't be so mean. They're amazing. They've passed the exams with flying colors, and they've impressed all the captains. They're the Twin Stars of the Black Bulls. They deserve some respect." Vanessa said, praising."Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. They're still rookies. They have to learn the ropes here. They have to follow the rules." Magna said, lecturing."Rules? What rules? We're the Black Bulls. We don't have rules. We do whatever we want." Vanessa said, laughing."Exactly. That's the rule. We do whatever we want. And I want to fight them." Magna said, insisting."No, you don't. You want to drink with me. Come on, let's go to the bar. I'll buy you a beer." Vanessa said, tempting."Really? A beer? Well, okay. Maybe later, then." Magna said, giving in."Good. Come on, then. Let's go." Vanessa said, dragging him away.She left Asta and Yuno alone, and she winked at them. She said, "Welcome to the Black Bulls, boys. I hope you enjoy your stay. And don't worry about Magna. He's a good guy. He just likes to act tough. He'll warm up to you soon. And if you ever need anything, just let me know. I'm here to help. And to have fun. See you around."She left with Magna, and they went to the bar. Asta and Yuno looked at each other, and they shrugged. They didn't know what to make of their new squad, but they were curious and excited. They put on their coats, and they felt a sense of belonging. They were part of the Black Bulls, and they were ready to start their new adventure.'''.

Authour Note:Everyone in the black bulls are sronger than they were in they actual story noelle has complete control over her magic

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