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The next day, Yami called Asta, Yuno and Noelle for a new mission. They had to explore a dungeon at the border of the Diamond Kingdom, and they had to find and collect the treasures inside.Yami told them that the dungeon was a dangerous and mysterious place, where they could encounter traps, monsters, and enemies. He also told them that the dungeon was a rare and valuable place, where they could find ancient and powerful magic. He told them that the dungeon was a challenging and exciting place, where they could test their skills and improve their abilities. He told them that the dungeon was a fun and rewarding place, where they could have an adventure and earn a fortune.He told them to be careful and smart, and to be fast and strong. He told them to work together and cooperate, and to compete and win. He told them to do their best and enjoy themselves, and to complete the mission and make him proud. He told them that they were the Twin Stars of the Black Bulls, and that they had potential and talent.He also told them that he had arranged a transportation for them, and that he had a surprise for them. He introduced them to Finral Roulacase, a spatial mage who could create portals and teleport people. He was a member of the Black Bulls, and he was their new teammate. He had joined the squad recently, and he had been on a mission with Yami. He had impressed him with his magic and his personality, and he had earned his trust and his respect.Finral greeted them with a smile and a bow, and he said that he was happy to meet them and to work with them. He said that he was a fan of theirs, and that he admired their power and skill. He said that he was their senior, and that he would help them with their travel and their mission. He also said that he was a gentleman, and that he would treat them with courtesy and kindness. He especially said that to Noelle, who he found very attractive and charming.He opened a portal, and he invited them to enter. He said that he would take them to the dungeon, and that he would wait for them outside. He said that he would be their backup, and that he would be ready to assist them if they needed him. He also said that he would be their escape, and that he would be able to bring them back if they wanted to. He said that he was their friend, and that he wished them good luck and fun.They entered the portal, and they left the Black Bulls' base. They arrived near the dungeon, and they saw it. It was a huge and dark structure, that looked like a maze. It had many entrances and exits, and it had many rooms and corridors. It had a mysterious and ominous aura, and it had a hidden and unknown magic. It was a place of wonder and danger, and it was a place of adventure and treasure.They also saw the other squad, who had arrived before them. They saw the Golden Dawn, who were waiting for them. They saw William, who greeted them with a smile and a wave. He said that he was glad to see them, and that he hoped that they were ready for the mission. He said that he was looking forward to exploring the dungeon, and that he hoped that they would find something interesting and valuable. He said that he was also looking forward to competing with them, and that he hoped that they would have a fair and fun match. He said that he respected them as fellow Magic Knights, and that he wished them good luck and fun.They also saw Mimosa, who greeted them with a smile and a hug. She said that she was happy to see them, and that she hoped that they were doing well. She said that she was excited to go on a mission with them, and that she hoped that they would work together and cooperate. She said that she was also excited to go on a mission with her squad, and that she hoped that they would compete and win. She said that she liked them as friends and family, and that she wished them good luck and fun.They also saw Klaus, who greeted them with a frown and a snort. He said that he was annoyed to see them, and that he hoped that they were not a burden. He said that he was bored to go on a mission with them, and that he hoped that they would stay out of his way and follow his orders. He said that he was also bored to go on a mission with his squad, and that he hoped that they would not embarrass him and his captain. He said that he disliked them as rivals and inferiors, and that he wished them bad luck and misery.They greeted them back, and they exchanged some words. Asta was friendly and enthusiastic, and he said that he was ready for the mission and the competition. He said that he wanted to explore the dungeon and find the treasures, and that he wanted to compete with the Golden Dawn and win. He said that he respected them as fellow Magic Knights, and that he wanted to prove himself and his squad. He said that he was a Black Bull, and that he was a Twin Star.Yuno was calm and confident, and he said that he was prepared for the mission and the competition. He said that he wanted to explore the dungeon and find the secrets, and that he wanted to compete with the Golden Dawn and surpass them. He said that he respected them as fellow Magic Knights, and that he wanted to improve himself and his squad. He said that he was a Black Bull, and that he was a Twin Star.Noelle was proud and elegant, and she said that she was qualified for the mission and the competition. She said that she wanted to explore the dungeon and find the magic, and that she wanted to compete with the Golden Dawn and defeat them. She said that she respected them as fellow Magic Knights, and that she wanted to show herself and her squad. She said that she was a Black Bull, and that she was a noble.They entered the dungeon, and they began to explore. They split up, and they went to different directions. They searched for the treasures, and they competed with each other. They encountered traps and monsters, and they fought with them. They also encountered enemies, and they fought with them. They were the mages from the Diamond Kingdom, who had also entered the dungeon. They wanted to steal the treasures, and they wanted to kill the Clover Kingdom's mages. They were led by Mars, a powerful and cruel mage who had mineral magic and crystal magic. He had a grudge against the Clover Kingdom, and he had a history with Asta and Yuno. He had fought them before, and he had lost to them. He wanted to fight them again, and he wanted to avenge himself.He found them, and he attacked them. He used his magic to create and manipulate crystals, and he tried to crush them and pierce them. He also used his magic to create and manipulate minerals, and he tried to heal himself and enhance himself. He was strong and fast, and he was ruthless and merciless. He was a formidable and dangerous enemy, and he was a fierce and fierce challenge.Asta, Yuno and Noelle fought against him, and they used their magic to counter him. Asta used his move his hell flare slash, and he tried to erase his magic and his body. Yuno used his fang wind, and he tried to blow away his magic and his body. Noelle used devourer tsanumai and she tried to drown his magic and his body.They fought with skill and coordination, and they put their lives on the line. They wanted to complete their mission, and they wanted to win the competition. They wanted to prove themselves as Black Bulls, and they wanted to honor their squad. They wanted to become the Wizard King, and they wanted to change the world.They fought for a long time, and they finally won. They defeated Mars, and they arrested him. Asta made anti-magic handcuffs, and he put them on him. He couldn't use his magic, and he couldn't escape. Asta also cut open the door behind him, and he saw what was inside. It was a room full of treasure, and it was the main prize of the dungeon. It had gold and jewels, and it had weapons and artifacts. It had ancient and powerful magic, and it had hidden and unknown secrets. It was a place of wonder and danger, and it was a place of adventure and treasure.They entered the room, and they saw the treasure. They were amazed and delighted, and they stared at it. They had completed their mission, and they had won the competition. They had shown their power and skill, and they had impressed their captain. They had grown a lot, and they had become stronger. They were proud and happy, and they congratulated each other."Good job, guys. We did it. We completed our mission." Asta said, smiling."Yeah, we did. We make a great team." Yuno said, nodding."We sure do. We're awesome." Noelle said, agreeing.

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