Well you could say good-day to your daughter

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Chapter Synopsis: Merlin is heavily pregnant with his and Arthur's first child, Arthur's plans to spend the day with Merlin are interrupted by reports of a pack of blood thirsty wolves in the woods. So he and the knights leave to kill them and whilst their gone Merlin goes into labour and when Arthur returns he has a daughter.


There was nothing Arthur liked more than seeing the sight of Merlin his gorgeous husband pregnant with their first child. They had been trying for a baby for months now and finally at the start of the new year the heavens blessed them, and now Merlin was almost at full term and nearing the baby's due date.

Merlin's POV:

Spring had come to Camelot and the fields were full of wild flowers, the sky was blue and the sun shone high up the sky. Ever since last year I'd been pregnant with Mine and Arthur's first child and now my due date was getting one step closer which I was happy about because I wasn't coping very well in this heat, currently I was sat in the council meeting with Arthur it was an incredibly hot day and the baby was kicking away making it very uncomfortable for me.

The baby gave me one massive kick and I leaned forwards letting out a pained cry bringing my right hand to my stomach, Arthur looked at me and said 'Merlin my love are alright, are you having contractions', I shook my head taking Arthur's hand as I said 'No my love, it's just an ache. Would you mind if I went back to our chambers and rest'.

Arthur stood up and helped me up out of the chair and helped me back to our chambers, once we got back Arthur carefully placed me down on the bed he sat on the edge of the bed beside me and said 'How are you now my love, are you still in pain'. I shook my head as I readjusted the pillow behind me and replied 'Not anymore, the baby was just kicking away like mad and my back was hurting but I'm okay now'.

Arthur's POV:

Merlin still looked a little pale and in discomfort so I sat beside him on the bed whilst he slept, I nearly drifted off to sleep myself when there was a knock at the door. I walked over and it was Leon he told me that a patrol had just passed through the village of Blackstone and as they went through the woods on the other side they were attacked by a pack of wolves only one of the young knights survived. 

I stood in the doorway looking at Leon and said 'Leon I cannot leave Merlin he's close to the baby's due date what if he needs me and I'm not here', Leon quietly replied 'Sire we need you to come with us, if we don't slay this pack then the villagers and our patrols will be at risk. I'm sure Gaius would stay with Merlin, we'll be back before nightfall'.

Merlin was still asleep whilst I was preparing for the ride to the woods where the wolves had been spotted, I'd asked one of the guards to go and fetch Gaius for me so that I could ask him to stay with Merlin until I got back. I grabbed my sword and strapped it around my waist as there was a knock at the door, I opened the door and was pleased to see Gaius I asked him to come in and closed the door behind me as I said 'Gaius I have to go with the knights to the woods near the village of Blackstone, a Pack of wolves have been seen there killing villagers and attacking our patrols. I don't want to leave Merlin alone especially after he had pains in the council meeting'.

Gaius smiled and said 'Say no more Sire I shall stay with him until you return, and the pains were probably nothing serious most likely just the baby trying to get more room'. 


Merlin's POV:

I was dreaming peacefully of me and Arthur when a pain much like this morning shot through my stomach making me wince in pain, I sat up and shouted 'ARTHUR!' but instead I saw Gaius sitting near the open window he got up quicker than I'd ever seen him move before he walked over to the bed and said 'Merlin my boy what's wrong are you in pain'. I nodded quickly and said 'I was just then' I didn't even have time to finish the sentence as another pain shot through me and then I felt something wet beneath me on the sheets and before I could say anything Gaius said 'Don't panic Merlin your waters have broken which means your in labour'. 

Even though Gaius told me not to panic I was indeed feeling abit worried about giving birth to this baby what if something went wrong, Gaius squeezed my hand and said 'Merlin I need you try and relax okay, stress isn't any good for you or the baby. Your magic will help you okay just listen to your body and push when your ready'.

Arthur's POV:

Exhausted we all stood in the clearing in the woods, the pack of wolves lay dead on the floor their blood mixing in with the leaves and dirt, most of us hadn't been injured only Leon had a scratch on his right arm but it didn't look too deep. The whole ride back to Camelot I kept thinking about Merlin and if he was alright and whether he'd had the baby yet, once we got back one of the stable boys came over and held my horses reins as I dismounted I smiled at him and said 'Can you make sure he gets a good brush he did well today' the stable boy bowed and quietly said 'Yes sire'.

I walked into the castle and up the stairs towards mine and Merlin's chambers, as I walked round the corner Gaius approached me and said 'Ah Arthur could you take this in for Merlin' I was confused at first but I took the tray with a plate of food on and walked into our room, Merlin was sat in our bed wearing a pale blue shirt which I'd only ever seen him wear once. Merlin looked at me and said 'Thank you Arthur, just set it down over there', I gave Merlin a cheeky smile and replied 'And can I do anything else for my gorgeous husband'.

Merlin took the edge of the bed sheet and as he slowly peeled it back he said 'Well you could say good- day to your daughter Princess Celeste Pendragon'. For a brief moment I was rooted to the spot but then I walked over to the bed and carefully took our daughter from Merlin's arms gazing in wonder at our beautiful baby I smiled at Merlin and said 'Oh my love I'm so proud of you, I'm just so sorry I wasn't here to support you'.

Merlin kissed me on the lips and said 'It's okay my love your here now and that's all that matters, come sit with us for a while'.

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