I loved you Merlin

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Chapter Synopsis:

(This is part two of the previous Chapter "Let her go Merlin"). It's been nearly a month since Uther had Merlin executed and when Arthur and knights were burying Merlin they heard the Dwarves of the mountain kingdom Khazad dum singing a lament for Merlin.

Upon Gaius's recommendation Arthur and knights travel to the mountain kingdom to meet with the late kings son Durin IV and his Queen Disa. Gaius hopes that not only will Arthur and the dwarves form an alliance but that they will help Arthur and the knights grieve the loss of their friend and lover. 


Arthur's POV:

I never forgot about him even after all this time even despite my father telling me I had to forget about him and find myself a bride, but what he didn't know was that I had given Merlin one of my rings and I would never love another.

A new week dawned and arriving today in Camelot on the wings of a raven was a message from King Durin IV inviting myself and my knights to his kingdom to discuss an alliance between Camelot and Khazad dum, they expected us the day after tomorrow so I gathered the knights together in my chambers and told them to prepare to leave this afternoon at 12 it was the perfect time to leave as my father would be in his council meeting so he wouldn't try to stop me from leaving.

Before he left Leon turned to me and said 'Are we taking Gaius with us Sire' I looked down at the floor and said 'No he's too frail to travel, I fear he'd survive the journey there but not the journey home', whilst the knights prepared I went to see Gaius to let him know that we were leaving this afternoon. I knocked on the door to his quarters and walked in Gaius was stood near the window lighting a new candle in a blue painted glass jar, he turned around and said 'Do you think he can see the Candle from heaven Sire' I softly replied 'Oh I think so Gaius, I apologise for intruding on a special moment I just wanted to let you know that I had word from Durin this morning he expects me and the knights the day after tomorrow so we shall be leaving today'. 

Gaius walked over to me and said 'Your doing a great thing Arthur, Merlin would be very proud of you. I just hope whilst you and the knights are there that you find time to grieve properly'. I hugged Gaius and said 'Thank you Gaius for everything but especially your support during this difficult time, I'll send word to you during the journey', Gaius handed me a small chest with some gold in and said 'The dwarves are peaceful people but a gift to show you want an alliance will not go amiss'. 

Gwaine's POV:

12 finally came around and we all assembled on the field outside of Camelot and waited for Arthur, once he arrived and mounted his horse we rode off to the kingdom of Khazad Dum, on the map it looked so far away but it really wasn't. The journey was going well we'd ran into no trouble and as we crossed the border leaving Camelot behind the sun began to set and we decided to stop and set up camp to let ourselves and the horses rest for the longer portion of the journey tomorrow. 

Once we'd all eaten we sat around the fire and talked about Merlin and memories of him, Lancelot cleared his throat and said 'My favourite memory of Merlin is after he was attacked by the Daroka and we were on our way back to you, Merlin taught me a song that his mother used to sing to him'. 

I replied 'Can you remember this song' Lancelot nodded and said 'As if it was yesterday, I can sing it to you if you want'.

Lancelot's POV:

The knights all nodded when I asked if they wanted me to sing this song, I took a sip of water and cleared my throat before I started to sing.

'The sun is fast falling Beneath trees of stone

 The light in the towe rNo longer my home

 Past eyes of pale fire Black sand for my bed

 I trade all I've known For the unknown ahead

 Call to me call to me Lands far away

 For now I must wander this wandering day

 Away I must wander this wandering day

Of drink I have little And food I have less

 My strength tells me no But the path demands yes

 My legs are so short And the way is so long

 I've no rest nor comfort No comfort but song

 Sing to me sing to me Lands far away

 Oh rise up and guide me This wandering day

Please promise to find me this wandering day

 At last comes their answer Through cold and through frost

 That not all who wonder Or wander are lost

 No matter the sorrow No matter the cost

 That not all who wonder Or wander are lost'

 After I'd finished singing I had several tears in my eyes and the others were all staring into the flames of the fire as it showed us images of Merlin

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 After I'd finished singing I had several tears in my eyes and the others were all staring into the flames of the fire as it showed us images of Merlin.

Arthur's POV:

I tossed and turned as another nightmare where I saw Merlin die over and over again filled my mind, ever since he died these nightmares had been getting more and more scary and most nights I woke up covered in sweat and too scared to go back to sleep. Tonight was no different I sat up trying to catch my breath as I looked around hoping that I hadn't woken the knights which I hadn't, I got up and walked over to where the horses were and gently stroked my horses soft brown coat she nudged me gently in the chest it was almost as if she could sense that I was struggling. 

I walked over to the entrance of the ruins and saw the mountain it looked so close but we still had to cross over the mountain pass which was where I'd heard many travellers had lost their lives due to the uneven ground and steep hills.

Once the knights had woken and were ready we rode for the mountain pass, the ground was wet after the rain last night I turned to the knights and said 'Dismount we should lead the horses through the pass'. As we started walking through the pass the ground became even more uneven and slippery, as I went round the corner I heard Leon call out I quickly turned around and saw that his horse had slipped and fallen onto her knees cutting them open quite badly I couldn't turn my horse around to go and look at Leon's so I left him stood whilst I went to asses the damage. 

As I walked back towards Leon's horse a loud noise from the top of the pass startled the horses and they all bolted past me down the hill and across the plains into the distance, the loud noise from the top of the pass filled our ears again Gwaine looked round and said 'What the hell was that' I shook my head and replied 'I don't know but we should keep moving and find the horses before nightfall'. 

The knights all agreed with me and we came down off the mountain pass and onto the open plains below.

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