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it was just another regular day. the transition from the bright and hot days of summer to the brisk, bleak days of fall had started. the delicate leaves on the trees were beginning to turn, abandoning their vibrant green color for the warm autumn tones of orange and yellow. everybody had come off the beginning of school high, and were mellowing out as they got back into the swing of a school routine. even your teacher, who wasn't exactly known for her overwhelming positivity, had put up a few decorations for fall, including a shiny, ceramic yellow vase in the corner of her desk.

'how good of an idea is it to put a fragile vase right next to where she puts her papers?' you pondered, 'that area is always jammed when there are new graded assignments. something's bound to happen to it there.'

the class was relaxed, not much else could be heard besides the scratching of pens on paper, people typing on their keyboards, and quiet chitchat from a few students. the tranquil atmosphere was temporarily broken by the squeaking of the older and lesser used door at the back of the classroom.

breaking the attention from your computer, you looked up and saw hoseok slipping through the door into the lecture room. from his irritated sigh, you knew that yoongi, who was sitting right next to you, had also seen him. disregarding his annoyance, you beamed at him and waved him over. he scanned the room and returned your smile with one of his own. he hesitated, looking at the area and people around you. giving a sorry shrug, he sat in the chair closest to him, which was in the back of the room.

you furrowed your eyebrows, confused as to why he wouldn't come and sit with you. were there no available seats around? glancing around, you noticed something that disproved your theory; an empty chair right behind your seat. puzzled, you slid your phone out of your pocket to find out his reasoning.

Why'd you sit back there?

There's an available seat right behind me

shaking your leg, you felt your phone buzz in your hand just a second after sending your message.

I know but there's a lot of people over there

I don't want to disrupt them trying to get to that seat lol


before you could send anything else, someone's hand covered your phone screen, and a low voice spoke.

"[name], you shouldn't be using your phone in class. i thought you cared about your grades?" yoongi said, his tone both serious and teasing. you chuckled and forced a half smile as you tucked the device back into your bag. even though his comment was supposed to sound playful, it still bugged you how comfortable he was just doing that. did he read your texts? has he ever read other texts of yours?

your concerns were pushed to the back burner when the teacher loudly dismissed everybody, the squeaking of chairs and bags zipping shut filling up your mind. "are you ready to go?" yoongi asked, standing up out of his chair. you shook your head. "no, i'm going to talk to hoseok. i haven't seen him yet today." you said firmly, not bothing to pick up your things as you stood up after him. an upset look crossed his face, and you were quick to alter your statement. "but it'll only be quick. i'll meet up with you after, alright?"

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