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"short hair? on you? that's brave."

those were the first words you heard come out of yoongi's mouth that day, interrupting your conversation with hoseok. you swung around quickly, his gravelly voice jolting you out of your discussion. "where were you? i texted, but you didn't respond."

he placed both his hands on your shoulders, holding you steady as you approached him, somehow both worried and relieved. "calm down, darling, my phone was just dead. i'm here now, isn't that what matters?" he explained, talking slowly and coolly. he stood tall, but no more than a few inches above you. with his charming smile, his soft voice, and...loving grasp on you, it was easy to believe every word that came from his mouth.

"now, i just heard you talking about cutting your hair short?" he asked, eyebrows raising a bit. "oh, yeah, but it was just a thought. i'm not actually going to do it." you established, leading him and yourself back to hoseok, who was standing against a wall, where the two of you had been talking. if you didn't know any better, you would've thought that yoongi was dragging his feet, trying to make you stay away from him. you half expected to turn around and see him pouting, like a child that was just denied some candy.

"good thing." he said, a clear tinge of relief in his voice. he quickly picked up on your silence, and didn't think twice before giving an explanation. "oh, not that you would bad or anything, you just look so good with long hair, i can't see a short hairstyle suiting you. that's all." he clarified, flashing another one of his magic smiles that seemed to blur the line between insult and concern.

"hoseok, are you also going to office hours for literature?" you inquired. the male, who was tapping his yellow sneakers against the floor mindlessly, snapped back into reality. "yeah, i should probably get going to that now. i'll see you later." he said quickly, turning to leave. "wait, i have to go there too. just give me a second." you said. yoongi did nothing to hide the look of annoyance on his face, rolling his eyes and looking away. you hesitated, before leaning up and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "i'll talk to you later, alright?" you said quickly. "yeah, see you." he mumbled, barely meeting your eyes. despite the obvious displeasure, he squeezed your arm and stomped away, disappearing around a corner.

you turned back to hoseok, who was still waiting for you. he smiled and the two of you began walking down the corridor. it was silent for a minute, like both of you were trying to find something to say. it was more strange than anything. silence usually wasn't a thing between the two of you, yet with him, the silence didn't necessarily feel awkward. you both just had nothing else to say.

"he's wrong, by the way." hoseok spoke, finally breaking the quiet of the moment. you looked at him confused. "about your hair. you'd look good with short hair." he said. his tone was quiet but firm, like he was nervous yoongi would pop out from behind a door and stare him down again for his comment. you smiled gently, trying to push his earlier comments out of your head, and chuckled nervously.

"oh, don't worry about that. he didn't mean anything by it, it was just a joke that came out wrong." you explained, "and besides, he's probably right. now that i think about it, i'm not sure short hair would be good for my face shape."

hoseok nodded in understanding, and continued to speak. "i know, [name], i just don't want you to think you'll look dumb because of what he said." you nodded along with him. "thank you, hobi. i appreciate the concern." you said, stopping outside the classroom door, "but i promise it's okay."


that night, you lay in bed, scrolling through your photos. as you deleted the images of girls with cute, short hairstyles and watched them disappear into the trash folder, you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. but those thoughts were pushed to the back of your mind as your phone buzzed, and a text appeared at the top of your screen.


Goodnight darling, love you

you smiled, your heart swelling and the butterflies you had felt so many times because of him rushing back.

'he just wants the best for me.'


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