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I did my best to surpress my smile. We are currently in a mall today because Jisu asked me out. She wanted to go shopping and I declined
because she was bringing her fiancee.

I don't wanna be the third wheel this afternoon. Well I guess not anymore.

"Can we get this over with?" Said the girl who is standing right beside me

"Pfft calm your flat ass cous" Lia chuckled while looking at the branded shoes in front of us

"I can't believe you dragged me into this Lia, I should be at work!"

"No you're not. I asked Beom and he told me you're not doing anything so why not accompany your lovely wife hmm? Wifey come on"

I let Lia dragged me while pointing at some jewelries.

"Girls" I heard Yuna said and chuckled I brought a lot and Ryujin carried all my shopping bag because her cousin told her so.

I look at her and I couldn't help but giggle while looking ag my wife's state.

"Uhm babe, mom called. I almost forgot that we were having lunch with them today" Yuna scratched her nape

Lia pouted and let go of the sandals she was eyeing.

"You can buy that some other time baby, we need to go"

She looked at me and just smiled

"You guys wanna join us?" She asked

I was about to answer but Ryujin  interrupted me "Its okay cous. We'll join you some other time"

"Okay, Ryu take good care of my wifey okay? Don't be such a stone when you're with her"

Ryujin rolled her eyes and Lia patted her cheek before hugging me "We'll see you guys later"

"Be careful"

We waved goodbye and they left.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward when it was just the two of us.


"Do you still have something to buy?" She asked coldly

"No I'm good. Maybe some hotdogs will do"

She nodded and started walking so I walked beside her.

I was carrying one shopping bag while she was holding four. Both of her hands are occupied

We walked near a hotdog stand inside the mall. I heard my stomach grumbles and I know I was hungry

"Uhm I'll just buy something okay? Do you want some?"

She just nodded so I marched towards the stand.

I waited for my turn and sometimes I would glance at Ryujin who is now standing while looking at the people passing by.

Finally, it was my turn so I bought two hotdogs and two milkshake.

I notice the four girls not too far from me giggling while looking at something. Or someone.

I then notice that it was Ryujin who their eyeing on. I glared at them but
they didn't notice me for their eyes was fixed on my wife.

While Ryu, she's still unaware that she was being watched. Why do you have to be so hot with just simple clothes Shin?

"Wait, I think she's alone. I'll go ask her name" I heard one of the girls' said

"Good idea, then ask for her number too" the other one said while giggling I felt my blood boiling because of these whores.

Before she could take a step, I immediately grabbed the foods and run towards Ryujin .

She look at me and her cold aura didn't change.

"What took you so long?" She asked

I smiled and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Sorry hon. The line was long" I used my baby voice and she looked shocked

I ignored her and take a peek at the girls who are now giving me death glares.

I smirked at them saying I won.

She is my wife bitches so back off.

I returned my gaze back to Ryujin and saw her looking at the girls too.

She look at me and her cold aura was back.

"Is that why you kissed me?"

"S-sorry. They were eyeing you and....flirting"

She removed her eyes off me so I sighed

We sat in a near bench and ate the food I bought.

After eating, we decided to go home. I'm a little exhausted and a nicebbath could help me to relax.

The girls were no longer there and that is a relief. I helped her carry my bag but she refused.

"I got it. Let's just go, I'm tired already" I nodded and followed her.

I noticed something shining so I stopped walking. A nice necklace displayed caught my attention.

"Wow" I mumbled It looks so beautiful and expensive.

Jeez if we're not in a hurry, I'm definitely gonna buy this.

I flinched when I felt something wrapped my waist. I looked up and saw my wife looking at me.



I look at the person who interrupted me. I saw Yeonjun and his friend. What was his name again? Oh right Kai.

"Yeonjun, you're here" I smiled at him I felt Ryujin's grip on me tighten.

"Yeah, we were just you know, roaming around" he chuckled and scratched his nape

I saw how Kai secretly elbowed him while shaking his head

They bowed at Ryujin and she just forced a smile at them.

How did I know it was not a genuine smile? Well, I've known her since we were in diapers so I know her too well.

"So are you guys, shopping?" He asked

"Its not too obvious huh?" Ryujin answered sarcastically

"Right uhm you wanna join us for lunch? My treat" he smiled sweetly


"No thank you"

Ryujin cut me off. I look at her and she smiled at me.

She placed her hand that was on my waist up to my shoulder.

"We were actually on our way to our favorite place to have lunch." She kissed my head

I'm still confuse but I just go with the flow. Besides, I don't want these two interns to know something was off between me and Ryujin. After all,
they know Ryujin and I are married.

"As much as I want to invite you guys, I want her for myself. Right baby?" I nodded and hugged her waist

I saw how uncomfortable the two were looking at us.

"Oh uhm I guess next time?"

"Next time, let's go"

We walked away and Ryujin was still holding me like she was afraid that I

might go away.


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