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Our conversation was interrupted by two lovely girls laughing while coming our way.

Lucy ran towards her mother while Bonnie ran to me. I smiled and hugged her

"Hi there cutie" she giggled before kissing my cheek

"How is school? Did you make new friends?"

"They're all my friends since day 1 aunt Yeji" she playfully rolled her eyes making me chuckle

"Whatever you say, let's go?"

She nodded and I stood up.

"Do you wanna go with us? I brought car" Kyojin asked

"No its fine Kyojin. Ryujin will be picking us up. She'll be here soon"

"Alright, take care. Lucy say bye to your sister"

Lucy walked towards me and gave me a lovely hug"

"I'll see you soon unnie"

"I'll see you. Be a good girl okay?"

She nodded and kissed me. She also hugged Bonnie before walking back to her mom

"Tell dad I said hi"

"We will"

The waved goodbye before leaving.

"What are we going to do now aunt Yeji?"

"Hmm, want some ice cream?"

"Yes! Yes please" she jumped excitedly and I couldn't help but smile

"Alright. Now let's go"

I held her hand and we ran. She giggled before pulling me to stop

"No running mama, its breaking the rules" she laughed

I blinked multiple times because of what she said

"What did you call me?"

"Oh I called you mama. Aunt Yeji is way too long and besides, I am your daughter for the meantime so I called you mama. Is it okay?"

I was touched with what she said so I hugged her.

"Its fine baby. It sounds wonderful"

She giggled and patted my back. I let her go and held her hand.

"Now we walk"

We walked outside her school to look for an ice cream stand. I heard a loud honk making the both of us to look behind us.

I saw a familiar car and Bonnie cheered when she realized who's car it was Ryujin went outside her car and approach us. I let go of Bonnie's hand and she immediately ran towards my wife's direction. Ryujin smiled and squatted a little and Bonnie jumped

"Whoahh, easy there cute tiger" she chuckled before giving her niece a kiss on the cheek

"How was your day?"

"It was great Dada!"

Ryujin's eyebrows furrowed with what she heard. I chuckled and went towards their direction


"Oum, I call your wife mama so that makes you my Dada"

Ryujin looked at me and I just signalled her to go with the flow

"Oh uhm sure baby. I'm your Dada"

"Hihi see? We're family"

I smiled with what she said and so did Ryujin.

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