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Kim Minjeong surely was physically behind the counter, however mentally?

Not so much.

It was already 6 hours into her boring shift, the clock about to hit 12:15am and the poor girl was already on the brink of falling asleep.

Gosh was it tough for her.

As her hands continued to go on autopilot, scanning each and every item that the current customer was buying, her will to live was slowly disintegrating one beep after another.

She groggily looked at the screen, revealing the overall price and turning to the old man infront of her.

"That'll be $32.50, please." Her voice was tired and monotone.

The old man grunted, taking out his card and scanning it onto the machine before picking up his groceries and leaving without even saying thank you.

Luckily, there were no more customers for Minjeong, atleast not right now, where she would use this opportunity to rest.

She rolled her eyes at the customer's attitude, watching him limp away of old age through the exit doors of the tiny store.

"Not even a thanks." She scoffed, arms folded and a deathly glare from her eyes darting at his back.

After the man had left, she sighed, quite literally being the only one left in the store.

"Maybe one day I'll be able to quit this stupid job." She thought, her eyebrows furrowing as she furiously tapped the buttons on the cash register.

Minjeong had dreams, and I mean big dreams.

Becoming a rockstar always enlightened her. Ever since she came out of the womb, she settled on it.

It was her ultimate dream to give people autographs, hold concerts and most importantly, shred infront of millions of people.

Oh to be like Eddie Van Halen.

However the universe was against her, because despite having such amazing skill and talent at the guitar, she was unfortunately stuck working in some tiny ass convenience store somewhere deep in the city of Seoul, who knows where exactly.

Maybe one day she'll achieve that dream, just one day.

She glanced at the clock again, reading 12:30 in her head where she mentally celebrated at the fact that she only had 30 minutes left until she was free from work.

Which also meant that there'd be little to no customers coming in anymore, a faint smile of victory appearing on her lips as she didn't wanna socialise with another human for the rest of the night or she genuinly thought she'd go rabid.

She slouched back onto her chair, taking this as an opportunity to go on her phone and grab the unopened pringles can from her bag that she had bought from the store itself, the very last one to be specific.

She knew that the pringles product in the store was a hot item which was sold out almost every week and surprisingly, it was also her favourite.

But I guess that was the perks of being a worker, to have access to all the snacks before they sell out.

She set the pringles can on the counter, where it's bright pink colour menacingly made it stand out from the dull store itself, making it the most appetising thing to Minjeong.

As if she was waiting for this moment, about to open the can with her ravenous hands, the same ding sound she'd hear repetitively during a busy day at work came through the door.

As if life couldn't get any worse for her.

She sighed, closing her eyes and trying very hard to contain her screams of agony and frustration.

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