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hey guysss – its the author of this damned book just popping in to give a little update. as you can tell, this fic hasnt been updated in OVER A DECADE for numerous reasons:

i started this fic in about january, with consistent updates til like march? and then writers block hit so hard that i was kind of a lost cause. plus, i had to prepare and sit all of my exams til june BUT gladly war is over and im actually free and alive hahahaha (almost lost my mind in the process)

but anyways, i wanted to put it out there that im thinking of abandoning this fic – HEAR ME OUT THOUGH, TRUST.

i started this fic out of impulse and i had only just started writing again back then. So within this 7 month time span from dec to now, i read through my old works – especially the chapters of this book – and i actually cringe so much because i HATE how i wrote these chapters. Its not THAT horrible – but since then i've been able to practice and hopefully improve my writing (aka through drafts that are literally rotting in my books) and i definitely think i wouldn't feel content if i carry on updating this fic due to the writing in the older chapters.

as well as that, since this fic was literally out of impulse, i really only planned like a few events and then i didnt really know where the hell it was going or what the plot even was anymore which lead to that very stagnant era of just no updates😭

so im really keen on just discontinuing this book (though im not sure if i should delete it from my profile?? i dunno, someone tell me) BUT in exchange of abandoning this one, im wanting to write a new fic which i am actually THOROUGHLY TRYING to plan so i dont get immense writers block in the process.

i also havent mentioned but i think ao3 is starting to grow on me way more which is resulting in me being less active on wattpad, though i think ill upload the new fic on here and ao3 to balance it out (im not sure how that'll work though bc im wanting the fic to be one long piece of writing rather than a series of chapters, but oh well)

so i hope everyone understands! and sorry again that this fic is being abandoned (already felt like it anyway bc of that hiatus LMAO), i genuinely just do not know where i was going with this and its just a whole bunch of nonsense atp as much as i love every character dynamic😭 in the future, i may rewrite this but for now, thank you for the support and watch out for my new fic! (if interested ofc, ill hope to drop a teaser on here soon hehe)

OH and i didnt mention, this does not apply to my karina book, thats just a space where i practice my writing so the timing of the updates are odd lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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